Accommodation for international students and guests

The University of Pisa is not a campus-based university and instead has its buildings and departments spread throughout the city.

In terms of accommodation, students usually find housing through the city's many estate agents or by checking out postings placed on notice boards in each of the University's departments. Students often share an apartment with other Italian or international students. The cost of renting a room is roughly 250.00/350.00 euros per month excluding the cost of utilities and the individual share of general expenses for the building's maintenance.

 ♦ When to start looking for an accommodation

To look for an accommodation in Pisa could be challenging, especially if you arrive when lessons already started. The International Office cannot help you finding an accommodation but can support you with information about dedicated portals and websites. We strongly recommend you begin your searching quite early and book an accommodation well in advance (before your arrival). We suggest you that the right time to book an accommodation in Pisa is in summertime, namely July and August. This is the time when most of the students leave the city for Summer holidays and rooms are available for renting.

For a more detailed list of accommodation in Pisa, please consult our guide, attached at the bottom of this page.

Plus, you can consult the Comune of Pisa's website Walking in the City to find a complete list of accommodation (for a short period of stay) and facilities.

 ♦ DSU Toscana

DSU (Regional "Right to Study" Programme) provides various services to University students and offers assistance to students who are searching for accommodation in Pisa. DSU also offers places from their own accommodation facilities to students who are living away from home and who meet certain financial requirements.

 ♦ HousingAnywhere

To book your accommodation in Pisa before your arrival, University of Pisa recommends HousingAnywhere, the international housing platform for mobile talents. Through HousingAnywhere you can safely book your new room, offered by verified private landlords and by outgoing students.

To receive a 20% discount on the booking fee, a University of Pisa VIP profile and priority access to the listings, sign up here.

NB: First you will have to pay the entire price and then e-mail Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. to have that amount back.

You can find information about finding your new place on the how it works page. Do you need more information or have a specific question? Send an e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..    

 ♦ Cerco Alloggio

Find your accomodation is a service that has been recently activated to find accommodation for students. It is funded by the Regione Toscana and the ARDSU (the Regional Programme for the "Right to Study"). It is a web-based application where you can find single or shared rooms and flats.”

 ♦ What do you need to know when signing a rental agreement for a private accommodation

Carefully review the rental agreement for a private accommodation (single or double room and studio). When you visit the apartments, check if the price they ask you is consistent with the settled price and make sure you are clear on all the services and household items the rent includes. For example, is the cost of bills inclued or not? Are there any extra costs? Is the washing machine available? Remember that landlords will ask you to pay a deposit (usually is equal to 2 o 3 monthly rent). To be sure that you do not forget anything, note down all the details and, when it comes the signing step, check both price and rental conditions in the contract have remained the same.


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