Self-certifications and Certificates for Postgraduate Study Courses

Printing from the Alice Portal of self-certifications or certain types of certificates on plain paper

The University, in order to facilitate the preparation of self-certifications, provides an automatic self-certification generation system. Certain types of self-certification can be printed in the reserved area of the Alice portal, in the “Certificates” section, included in the “Segreteria” menu item.

In the case that the user cannot make use of the self-certification but needs a certificate on unstamped paper, they must first access the reserved area of the Alice portal in the same section indicated above “Certificates” included in the menu item “Secretariat” to download the certificate that you need. To have the printout of the certificate certifying degree attainment, one must click on “Laurea”. The portal shows the types of certificates available.

Stamp Duty

The certificates required for the uses envisaged by current legislation are exempt from stamp duty (Presidential Decree 26/10/1972 n.642 Annex B – Table and other provisions). The other certificates are issued with stamp duty.

Request for certificates

Certificates on plain paper not available on  Alice portal, or certificates to be issued with stamp duty must be requested using the appropriate form (also available in English) to be submitted in one of the following ways:

  1. by opening a “ticket” through the Virtual deskirtual desk using the credentials of the  Alice portal
  2. by fax to the number of the competent office, attaching a photocopy of the identity document
  3. by certified e-mail (pec) to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  4. by post to the address of the office concerned indicated below, attaching a photocopy of the identity document
  5. directly at the counter of the office indicated below during public opening hours.

In the case of requesting a certificate with stamp duty, the user must:

  • for methods d) and e) produce the request with a revenue stamp together with a number of revenue stamps equal to the number of required certificates;
  • for methods a), b) and c) the request with a cancelled revenue stamp is valid only for the purpose of anticipating the time for preparing the certificates. For the actual issuance of the certificates, the applicant must produce the revenue stamps to be affixed to each certificate directly at the counter or by mail accompanied by the revenue stamp transmission form.

The following careers are not computerised and therefore, in relation to them, it is not possible to use the Alice Portal:

  • Those enrolled in specialisation school before the 1997/1998 academic year
  • Those enrolled in research doctorates before the year 2000
  • Those enrolled in masters programmes before the 2004/2005 academic year

Collection of certificates

The certificates can be acquired by the interested party using one of the following methods:

  • Sent as an attachment in response to the “ticket” (Virtual desk) with which the certificate was requested
  • Transmission by fax to the number provided in the request
  • Sent as an attachment to the certified email address (pec) provided in the request
  • Sent by ordinary mail to the address indicated in the request; in this case the University declines all responsibility for non-delivery due to postal problems or force majeure
  • Delivery to the desk during public open hours. The collection can also be done by a person (provided by an identity document) other than the interested party only if in possession of a proxy (proxy mdel) signed by the applicant and accompanied by a copy of an identity document of the applicant.

Contacts of the offices of the Directorate of Education and Student Services (Post-graduate courses)

Ph.D Area Pontecorvo - Building E - 2nd floor largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3 56127 Pisa 050-2210620 Virtual Desk - Ph.D section
Specialisation Schools Area Pontecorvo - Building E - 2nd floor largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3 56127 Pisa 050-2210635 Virtual desk - Sections: Specialisation schools in the health area, other specialisation schools
Masters and study awards Via Filippo Buonarroti 1/C - 56127 Pisa 050-2210634 Virtual Desk - Sections: Masters, Study award
Teacher training, traineeships, and apprenticeships Area Pontecorvo - Building E - ground floor largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3 56127 Pisa 050-2210633 Virtual Desk - Sections: Active Formative Internship (TFA), Traineeships, Apprenticeships


Information by:
Direzione Servizi per la Didattica e gli Studenti
Largo Pontecorvo 3 - 56127 Pisa
Info: Virtual desk

For all and complete details, please see the italian page available here.


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