The City and the Water

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The International Summer School “The City and the Water”, since 2014, is a Design Full-Time Workshop, aimed at investigating the complex relationships between the built environment and the water, in its broadest meaning of environmental resource, and therefore including seaside, rivers, lakes and water resources.

The Summer School is organized in 13 days and hosted in Pisa by the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory, and Constructions Engineering of the University of Pisa.

Students will be engaged in the development of a project on a case study, with the support of teachers and tutors of the Universities of Pisa and visiting professors of other national and international schools of architecture and landscape design.

The Summer School is organized in 13 days. The first 5 days are primarily aimed at the critical reading and knowledge of the area chosen as a case study “THE HIDDEN WATER OF PISA”, in order to identify its value and criticisms. In the other days, students will work for the development of a project of enhancement on the area chosen as a case study both at architectural, urban and technological scale. For the whole period, lessons will be opportunely organized in order to give theoretical and methodological supports for the development of the projects.

The ideas and drawings elaborated during the International Summer School will be presented in a public exhibition.


The summer school aims to provide theoretical skills and methodological tools for the architectural design linked to water's landscape.

Students, organized in groups composed by members of different nationalities, will be asked to develop a project of enhancement for an area chosen as a case study. The internationality of the group of students is fundamental for promoting cultural exchange and comparison, also in terms of approach, between dfferent experiences in the field of architectural design, landscape conservation and enhancement at an international level.

Who can apply

The International Summer School is open to university students and PhD students of Architecture, Urban Planning, Design, Design Institutes, Landscape Design, and also to young professionals and artists from all EU and non-EU countries.



Program Intensity



Admission Requirements

The International Summer School is open to university students of Architecture, Building Engineering, Urban Planning, Design, Design Institutes, Landscape Design, and also to young professionals and artists from all EU and non-EU countries.

Each participant is invited to bring their own laptop and their preferred drawing materials; however, basic drawing materials will be provided.

A minimum of 12 participants, and a maximum of 30, is required for the activation of the International Summer School.

Student participants will be selected on the basis of their scholastic performance (average score in examinations, graduation score for postgraduate candidates) and their suitability for the program; for professionals the selection will be based on the affinity to the subjects carried out of what is declared on the CV. Personnel. In case of ex aequo, priority will be offered to foreign students and according to the order of application.

One student scholarship is available, subject to evaluation of submitted CV. Other scholarships may be provided based on any future availability.


  • 31 March 2024: application deadline 
  • 3 April 2024: notication of admitted and the awarding of the scholarship
  • 10 April 2024: deadline for the fee payment
  • By 20 April 2024 the right of withdrawal may be exercised without penalty and without having to specify the reasons. The withdrawal must be communicated to the secretariat of the University of Pisa Summer School by e-mail. Following withdrawal, exercised as above, we will re-credit any amounts paid.
  • From 27 April to 3 May 2024 withdrawal is permitted by paying a penalty corresponding to 60% of the registration fee already paid.
  • After 3 May2024 fees are not refund.

    In case of cancellation of the Summer School, the fees already paid will be refunded net of bank charges.

Required documents

  • Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
  • Enrolment Form
  • Curriculum Vitae

All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required.

Application has to be submitted via Alice portal following the instructions of the "How to apply" page.






750 euro


  • these fees include: course fee, lectures and didactic material
  • the rates are the same for Italian, EU and international students and professionals.
  • UNIPI e ENA Marrakech students benefit from a 30% fee discount

Pay fees by Debit/Credit Card or PayPal online using the following form filling it with all the required data:

Payment Form 


  • International students without Italian Tax Code: please tick the box 'Anonymous' in order to disable the field 'Italian personal ID/VAT number'.
  • Please type your NAME and SURNAME next to the pre-filled text of the field 'Reason'
  • Please pay only after receiving the admission letter


Please write to the coordinator for further details.


26 August - 7 September 2024

Application Deadline

31 March 2024

NOTICE: the application deadline originally expired on 15 March 2024. The one above indicated is the new application deadline due to the postponement from 15 March 2024 to 31 March 2024 (at 11:59 pm CEST).


Prof. Giovanni Santi Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 


Summer/Winter School Office Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 


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