Bachelor's Degree Programmes or Long-Cycle Degree Programmes

Attention: for the a.y. 2023/2024, the deadlines for enrolment in Bachelor's Degree programmes and Long-Cycle Degree Programmes run from the end of July to 30 September 2023.

From 1 October to 29 December 2023, enrolment in these courses will be permitted subject to payment of a late fee.

Registration is not allowed after 29 December 2023.

The Portal for the enrolment to a Bachelor's degree programme or a Long-Cycle degree programme is Matricolandosi

The programmes have an open access (corsi di studio ad accesso libero) or a limited access (corsi di studio ad accesso programmato).

In order to attend a programme with open access, students must take a non-selective evaluation test to verify the initial preparation level. This test can be taken even after the enrolment. 

As for limited access programmes, a selection procedure is required before the enrolment. All the details at the relavant web page on the Matricolandosi Portal

As non-EU citizen resident abroad, please do not forget that, in order to complete your enrolment, you will have to produce the visa type D, regarding the new academic year 2023/2024. The visa is compulsory.

Before the enrollment is compulsory to sign up or log to the Alice Portal to create your personal profile and receive your access credentials. Once registered on the Alice Portal you can log in with your credentials and choose your programme, sign up to the admission test or to the non-selective evaluation test).

In order to complete your enrolment you must:

- log to the Alice Portal

- from the menu select Secretariat - choose a course - enrolment

- upload the required documents (the list is below)

At the end of the procedure, the FORIM Registration Form will appear, to be printed, signed in all three parts and uploaded to the Alice Portal.

Furthermore, the enrollment fee to be paid will appear if the DSU scholarship has not been applied for. Payment can be made online via PagoPA (if the student is abroad) or at the bank, post office, authorized tobacconists (if the student is in Italy), by printing the appropriate receipt.

In order to formalize the enrollment you must upload on the Alice portal the following documents:

  • A personal passport-sized photo
  • Your passport
  • An original copy (or certified copy) of secondary school qualification, obtained after at least 12 years of schooling, or a fully legal substitute certificate and the relevant official translation in Italian language
  • Declaration of value (DV), issued by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities in their home country, along with the official translation into Italian of the diploma, legalised (or with an "apostille") and validated, OR, the Statement of Comparability produced by CIMEA (
In Italy, the Enic-Naric official Centre is Cimea, at the following link: It is possible to request the Enic-Naric certificate (the one called "Statement of comparability") through the platform DIPLOME reserved to students who intend to enroll to a degree in the University of Pisa. Students have to create a personal account, they will then find in their personal profile all the information about the modalities to request Certificates and about all the documents to submit. It will be possible to follow the status of the requests and to find the certification in pdf format in the section “My services”.
  • Entry Visa for study reason
  • Residency Permit (or the Post Office receipt declaring the application for the Residency Permit) if you already have one.
  • The payment receipt of the first instalment of the tuition fees* or the receipt of DSU scholarship** application (if you applied for).

*The payment must be made no later than 29 February 2024. Info on instalments and deadlines at the relative page.  For those enrolling in a limited access programme the deadline of the selected programme is mandatory.

**More details on DSU Scholarship (Diritto allo Studio Universitario - Regional support to Higher Education) at

Be aware: all information on the DSU call for a.y. 2023/2024 will be available as soon as possible.

The rules regarding student contributions for the upcoming academic year 2023/2024 will be shortly available on the relevant webpage.

In relation to enrollment for the academic year 2023/2024, the Italian language test (mandatory for non-European citizens residing abroad and applying for visa) will take place remotely. More detailed information is available on the relevant web page.

Please be aware that, if you arrived in Italy with a study visa, enrolled in an Italian University and wish to do a RINUNCIA AGLI STUDI (renounce your studies), in order to enroll again in the same or different Italian university, you cannot use the study residency permit you already have and you must get a new study visa.


For the academic year 2023/2024, the WIS! Office’s services are available online and in presence, only by appointment via electronic agendafrom 1st May to 29 February 2024. The service will be suspended for Summer holidays between 1st and 21st of August.

From 1st May to 29 February 2024, students holding a foreign qualification can call +39 338 4706070 (Monday-Wednesday-Friday from 10 am to 12 noon) to contact a WIS! Office operator.

Info and contact details

International Office
Piazza Torricelli 4 I-56126 Pisa
Tel. +39 338 4706070
e-mail Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 


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