Master's Degree Programmes

Please, note: enrolment will be possible only once arrived in Italy.

Important dates: enrolment for 2024-2025 a.ystarts on the 24th of July 2024until the 28th of February 2025 - only for non-EU citizensapplying for a visa.


In order to enrol you will have to:

1st step: Alice Portal

Register on the Alice Portal, enter personal data and get individual credentials. Once registered on the Alice portal you can log in with your credentials and change the password to have access to Unipi online services (Valutami Portal where you can subscribe to exams; Unipi e-learning platform).

Please, upload in the appropriate sections:

  • a personal passport-sized photo with a white background (Menu/Home/Photo);
  • your passport (Menu/Secretariat/Identity Documents);
  • the visa (Menu/Secretariat/Residence Permit/Select "Waiting for visa" from the menu")
  • the post office receipts of the residence permit application merged in one pdf (Menu/Secretariat/Residence Permit/Post office receipt attesting the submission of the residence permit application form);

Please note: Do not continue in the section “Choose your degree Program” because our master’s degree Programs are not listed on Alice Portal.

2nd step: Ammissionelm Portal

Once registered on the Alice portal, you can log into Ammissionelm Portal with your Alice credentials. Please, note that Ammissionelm portal is available only in Italian language but you can find a guide in English in the homepage.

In page 2, you have to choose the Master’s degree that you have been admitted to. Please, note that Master’s degree is called “Laurea Magistrale”.

In page 5, you have to declare data about your Bachelor’s degree and High school.

In page 6, please upload:

  • Bachelor’s Degree Diploma (in Italian or English language);
  • University transcript of Records (in Italian or English language) with a list of all the exams completed abroad;
  • Admission Letter you have received from the Master’s Degree Programme in Pisa;
  • Declaration of value (DoV), issued by the Italian Diplomatic Authorities in your home country OR the CIMEA statement of comparability (in Italian or in English language).


The Declaration of Value – DoV (Dichiarazione di Valore) is an official document issued by the Italian Embassy (free of charge) in the Country where your qualification was awarded and it is mandatory to enrol at the University of Pisa. It describes a qualification awarded to a specific person by an institution belonging to an education system other than that of Italy. Usually Italian Embassies require the official translation into Italian of the diploma, legalised (or with an "apostille") and validated in order to get the DoV. However, you must directly ask the Italian Embassy/Consulate in the Country where you reside (or the country where you obtained your qualification). We strongly suggest you to start the procedure well in advance because it might take months to get the DoV.

You can apply for the CIMEA Statement of Comparability through this link: Please, note that it is a paying service and it is usually faster than getting the DoV.


Once the administrative checks have been passed, your application will be evaluated by the degree program council. Once the board has deliberated on admission to the course, you will receive a notification via email and on the Ammissionelm Portal with the result of the assessment and, if admitted, information on the completion of enrollment. Usually, enrolment procedure takes approximately 2 weeks to be finalized.

In order to complete enrollment, all the required documents must be uploaded to the Alice and Ammissionelm Portal (as described above). Plus, it will be necessary either to pay the first instalment of tuition fees (which will appear on the Alice portal following admission to the degree course) or the receipt of the scholarship application submitted to the DSU.

You can check the progress of your enrollment application at

Once your enrollment will be finalized, you can find your enrollment certificate on Alice portal, by using your credentials (Menu/Secretariat/Certificates/Iscrizione). You can read your student number on your enrolment certificate.

Please, check all the documentation uploaded because in case of missing documents, your registration will not be evaluated.


In case you have doubts or you need support, please, contact: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

The WIS! Office services are accessible both online and in person. Students who hold a foreign qualification can reach out to the WIS! Office operator by calling +39 338 4706070.

Appointments must be scheduled in advance using the electronic agenda.

Summer Holidays Suspension: during the summer break, which occurs between 1st and 21st August 2024, the Enrolment Office services will be suspended. No appointments or services will be provided during this time.


Please, note that after completing your enrolment at an Italian university, if you decide to renounce to your studies - "rinuncia agli studi", there are important implications regarding your study residence permit. When you initially arrive in Italy with a study visa, you were granted a study residence permit. This permit allows you to legally reside in Italy for the purpose of studying. If you choose to stop your studies after enrolling and you later decide to enroll again – whether it’s at the same Italian university or a different one – you cannot continue using the study residence permit you already have. Instead, you must apply for a new study visa.


3rd step: Student card

You do not have to apply: it will be automatically sent to the current home address that you declared on Alice portal. It is important to update it in case it is wrong or in case of transfer in a new accommodation. Please, note that your surname must be clealry written on the doorbell otherwise you will not recieve it.

In the meanwhile, you can access DSU canteens without the Student card

Here is what you need:

  • student number - matricola
  • ID document 
  • CUR code 

How to get CUR code? 

  1. Go on DSU portal and login with your credentials
  2. Click on "Studenti Diary" - Agenda Studente
  3. Click on "Access to ticket" and select "Open a new ticket"
  4. In the section subject, write: CUR code
  5. In "Seat", select: "Pisa"
  6. In "Cathegory", select "Ristorazione" and in "Sub cathegory", select: "Accesso"
  7. In "Text", just request the CUR code to access canteens withyout the Student Card and wait for DSU to reply and click on "Attach" to send the request.

Once you get the CUR code, go on Ricarichiamoci DSU Toscana and follow the instructions:

  1. Click on "Ricarica con CUR"
  2. Insert your CUR code and click on "Invia"
  3. At this point, you will be able to recharge onilne your virtual card.

Enjoy your meals!

In case you do not recieve the student card by December, you will be contacted by the Segreteria studenti: they will set an appointment to pick up the student card.

Info and contact details

International Office
Piazza Torricelli 4 I-56126 Pisa
Tel. +39 338 4706070
Info about degree programmes held in English: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Info about enrolment: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.   


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