FUTURE SOCIETY: shaping adaptive communities

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Processes such as globalisation and digitisation are leading societies to become increasingly complex, requiring ever more innovative solutions to challenges such as natural disasters, inequality and social justice, communication and migration. At UNIPI we work together to understand, address, and adapt to changes which affect individuals, communities and populations across the world using social mining and big data, whilst artificial Intelligence is increasingly affecting and shaping our society.


BIG DATAunderstanding the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society including demographic change and well-being, secure, clean, efficient and integrated transport, data-driven innovation

Big Data Analytics and Ecosystem;

Social Network Analysis and Mining;

Studies on Human Mobility through big data analysis;

Privacy-by-Design and Ethical Data Mining;

Fraud Detection.


DIGITAL AND PHYSICAL SECURITYnew tools to ensure digital security, such as Distributed Ledger Technology infrastructures, also known as blockchain as well as novel materials and structures adaptive to natural and man-made risks

Blockchain technology: Bitcoin analysis; Applications of blockchains in non conventional areas; Distributed online social networks;

Advanced vulnerability analysis and seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete and steel-concrete composite structures.


SOCIAL IMPACT OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES - legal and ethical impacts of new technologies, social impacts of virtual reality and digital society

Artificial intelligence and new rights;

Ethical and legal impacts of the e-Health;

New frontiers of the digital rights;

Fake news;

Social media impacts on democracy, trust, storytelling and public perceptions.


SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS - societal changes and social movements across the time, sustainable and resilient societies, migrations, gender issues

Reversing inequalities towards inclusive and sustainable growth;

Gender-responsible science and technology, feminism and gender equality, European law and gender;

Human mobility and migration policies;

Understanding  the challenges of the "just transition” to climate-neutral and environmentally sustainable economies and societies; trade-offs and synergies between climate action, climate-change impacts, equity and justice.


Flagship projects


so bif data


Funding Programme: H2020 - Integrating and opening existing national and regional research infrastructures of European interest

SoBigData++ intends to deliver a Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society and its grand societal challenges: Societal Debates and Online Misinformation, Sustainable Cities for Citizens, Demography, Economics & Finance 2.0, Migration Studies, Sport Data Science, Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Explainable Machine Learning.




Funding Programme: H2020 –Fighting and adapting to climate change

Europe and the world stand at a turning point: the global climate is heating up, species are dying out at an unprecedented rate, leading to massive biodiversity loss, ecosystems are collapsing, many finite resources are being overexploited. At the centre of this worldwide crisis stands humanity. Citizens are demanding change, while civil society and policymakers are seeking sustainable alternatives for a low-carbon, net zero-emissions future.
LOCOMOTION aims to answer to this challenge by developing sophisticated models to assess the socioeconomic and environmental impact of different policy options in order to help society make informed decisions about the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future.

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