Vittoria Raffa - Delegate for research promotion in Life Sciences

Ordinary Professor of Molecular Biology, Department of Biology
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Vittoria Raffa

Born in Reggio Calabria in 1977 and mother of Elena, Vittoria Raffa graduated with honors in Chemical Engineering in 2002 and obtained her PhD in Nanomedicine in 2006. In 2008 she became a university researcher in Molecular Biology at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. In 2005 she applied for an Associate Professor position in UK (University of Dundee), and in the following two years she was the coordinator of two laboratories in Italy and Scotland. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Biology and directs the “Nanomedicine and Molecular Biology” lab, coordinating a group of 15 young researchers. Since 2006 she has coordinated 12 national and international research projects, many of them recognized by the scientific community as projects of excellence (Marie Curie, FET-open and Human Frontier Science Program).  

Insititutional assignments

Professor Vittoria Raffa has performed several institutional roles: since 2021 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of Toscana Life Science, a member of the University Spin-off committee, as well as a member of the CISUP board. Since 2019 she has been an advisor of the University Animal Wellbeing Board (OPBA) and since 2020 a coordinator in the “Nanomedicine Working Group” at the University of Pisa, an initiative promoted within the framework of NET4UNIPI action. At a departmental level, since 2019 she has been a Research Academic Advisor, the contact person for the Master’s Degree Programme in Biotechnology and a member of the AQ committee. From 2018 to 2021 she was Safety Institutional Representative, from 2011 to 2022 she was referent for animal welfare of the “fish and amphibian facility”, as well as a permanent member of the committee of the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes from 2012 to 2022.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Raffa coordinates the “Nanomedicine and Molecular Biology (NAMOBIO)” lab, working in the field of molecular biology, synthetic biology and nanotechnology to study the regulation of gene expression and to modulate cellular functions, through the development of rationally engineered supramolecular complexes. She currently teaches Advanced Molecular Biology (Cod. 369EE) for the Master’s Degree Programme in Molecular Biotechnology, Nanomedicine (Cod. 442EE) (3CFU) for the Master’s Degree Programme in Biology Applied to Biomedical Sciences, as well as Molecular Biology and Microbiology (Cod. 004FE) for the Bachelor’r Degree Programme in Biotechnology.

Professor Vittoria Raffa has taught in the Scientific Area Bio/11 for 15 years, with h-index of 30, 5 international patents and about 80 publications on indexed journals. The number of received citations is about 3250 (source: scopus) 

She is a member of the  European Science FoundationCollege of Expert Reviewers. She has worked as a reviewer for numerous scientific journals and for the following international bodies: National Science Foundation, Wings for Life Foundation, EC (FP6/FP7/Horizon2020), IDEAL programme, UK Academy of Medical Sciences, EVAL-INCO, Health Research Board of Ireland, National Research Foundation of Africa, ERA.Net RUS, etc.

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