Chiara Galletti - Delegate for industrial relations

Full professor of "Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering" at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
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Chiara Galletti

Chiara Galletti was born in Arezzo in 1975. She is married with three children. She graduated with honors in Chemical Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2001 and obtained the Ph.D. in Chemical and Material Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2005. She was Visiting Research Associate at the King’s College London from 2002 to 2005 and Visiting Scholar at the University of California, San Diego, in 2012.

In 2005 she became researcher at the University of Pisa and in 2008 assistant professor. In 2016 she became associate professor in “Chemical Plants” (ING-IND/25 academic discipline) and in 2023 full professor in “Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering” (ING-IND/24 academic discipline)..

Institutional assignments

Professor Galletti is a member of the board of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering and referent for Job placement. She is also a member of the School of Engineering and responsible for the laboratory of “Computational Fluid Dynamics for reactive and multiphase flows”.

Scientific and teaching activities

Her Teaching activity is mainly in the degree programs of Chemical Engineering and Energy Engineering and is focused on the following topics: Computational Fluid Dynamics, chemical reaction engineering, formation and control of pollutants in combustion and process intensification. She is the supervisor of more than 110 M.Sc. theses in chemical, energy and aerospace engineering and of  11 Ph.D. theses.

Her research activity focuses on the fluid dynamics of systems encountered in the process and energy industries and aims at their design and optimization through computational fluid dynamics and/or experimental techniques. The research topics concern innovative combustion technologies for the ecological transition using sustainable fuels with specific attention to hard-to-abate industrial sectors, and process intensification through flow reactors, also of the microfluidic type. She was the principal investigator of a university project, responsible for activities in some regional projects, national projects and two European projects. She is also scientific responsible for collaborations with leading companies in the process and energy industries.

She is the author of more than 90 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals with more than 2500 citations and H-index of  31 (updated to 2024).

Ultima modifica: Lun 20 Mag 2024 - 11:36

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