Giuseppe D’Onza - Delegate for finance policies

Professor of business studies at the Department of Economics and Management
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Giuseppe D’Onza was born in Potenza on 14 October 1976. He is married with a daughter. He graduated in Business studies at the University of Pisa in 2000. He obtained the PhD in business studies in 2004 spending a research period at the Cass Business School of London.

In 2006 he became research fellow at the Faculty of Economics, in 2011 associate professor and in 2016 full professor in the scientific area Business studies (SECS P/07) of the University of Pisa.

Institutional roles

Professor D’Onza had several institutional roles at the University of Pisa: from 2014 to 2016 he was director of the Second cycle Degree programme in Strategy, management and control; from 2017 to 2018 he was coordinator of the PhD programme in Business studies established by the University of Pisa, Florence and Siena; since 2007 he has been scientific director of the Master in Auditing and internal Control and in 2021 he was appointed department reference person for VQR 2015-2019.

He was member of the board of directors of the University Consortium in Engineering for quality and innovation from 2016 to 2022.

Scientific and teaching activities

Giuseppe D’Onza teaches Business studies I, Auditing, Auditing and Management Control (in English language) and Risk Management at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa.

His main research areas are risk management, internal auditing, audit and management.

Professor D’Onza is Associate Editor of the Managerial Auditing Journal and the Italian journal Management Control. He is reviewer for several scientific journals on business studies. He was coordinator of several research projects funded by the University of Pisa and private bodies. He is co-founder and member of the scientific committee of the European Conference in Internal Auditing and Corporate Governance.

He published many scientific papers on peer reviewed international journals and several book chapters.

Ultima modifica: Ven 18 Nov 2022 - 13:12

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