Giuseppe Anastasi - Delegate for Digital Transition

Professor of Information Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering
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Giuseppe Anastasi

Giuseppe Anastasi was born in Marsala on 26 August 1963, graduated in Electrical Engineering (specializing in Calculators) with honors at the University of Pisa in 1990 and obtained the PhD in Electrical, Information and telecommunications Engineering in 1995.
In 1992 he became research fellow, in 2001 associate professor and in 2011 full professor in Information processing systems (scientific area ING-INF/05) at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa.

Institutional roles

Professor Anastasi was Head of Department of Information Engineering from 2016 to 2020. In November 2022 he was appointed Executive Director of the CrossLab for Industries 4.0, consisting of combined interdisciplinary labs open to companies, funded by the Ministry for University and Research within the framework of the “Departments of Excellence 2018-22” and activated at the Technology Centre in Navacchio.
He previously was director of the Second level Master in Smart Cities (2013-14) and director of the National Lab on Smart Cities & Communities of the CINI (Consorzio Inter-universitario Nazionale per l’Informatica, 2015-18).

Scientific and teaching activities

His teaching activity includes computer networks (Degree programme in Information Engineering) and Internet of Things (Second cycle Degree programme in Computer Engineering e in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering) and Systems & Languages for Informatics (Second cycle Degree programme in Cybersecurity).
His research activities deal with computer networks and distributed IT systems with particular focus on Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud/Edge Computing, Cybersecurity in IoT, Smart Environments (Smart Cities, Smart Industries, Smart Buildings), sustainable ICT and ICT for sustainability.
Professor Anastasi is member of the IEEE Computer Society. He was involved, even as coordinator, in many national and international projects funded by public and private bodies. He was member of the Editorial board of several scientific journals and promoter of many international meetings. He carried out revision activity of project proposals for national and international bodies.
His research activities have resulted in more than 160 papers on peer review qualified scientific journals and proceedings in international meetings, and 2 miscellaneous volumes reaching more than 6000 citations with h-index of 37 (Scopus 2022)


Ultima modifica: Ven 18 Nov 2022 - 11:27

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