Roman Sarcophagi as Image Ensembles

NOTICE: This Winter School has to be cancelled for this year. 

Should it be offered in 2025, infomation will be published in this webpage
at the end of October 2024.

The Winter School is offered as part of a partnership between the University of Pisa (Italy) and the University of Kiel (Germany).
The Winter School addresses image relations on Roman sarcophagi, II-IV c. CE. While research usually focuses on the iconography of the front of the coffer, the exercise will address all image fields in their interdependence. Consequently, the focus is on a limited group of sarcophagi, namely those for which a (securely associated) lid has survived. We will also analyse the spatial staging and its influence on the image design and image reception – if information is available. The geographical focus is on urban Roman sarcophagi.

Tuition fees are waived for students from the Universities of Pisa and Kiel.

The program will be activated also in distance learning mode (TEAMS platform).


The aim of the course is to provide participants with the main notions about the production and display of Roman sarcophagi, as well as an overview of the most up-to-date research on materials and iconography.

Classes engage participants both at the theoretical and empirical level, so that participants may develop broader awareness of the topic, as well as practical skills and competencies.

The course includes experiences from collections in a variety of fields: art history, science and technology, and the natural sciences. 

Who can apply

MA, PhD students in art history, archaeology, museum studies, communication sciences, digital humanities.



Program Intensity



Admission Requirements

BA in Classics or Archaeology.

Excellent working knowledge of the English language.

Required Documents

  • Identity Document (*PASSPORT in case you are a foreign student*)
  • Enrolment Form
  • Curriculum Vitae

All the documents must be in pdf format, in order to upload them on the portal when required.

Application has to be submitted via Alice portal following the instructions of the "How to apply" page.




250 euro

NOTICE: Tuition fees are waived for students from the Universities of Pisa and Kiel.


Please write to the coordinator for further details.


19 - 27 January 2024

Application Deadline

15 November 2023


Prof. Anna Anguissola Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.   

Summer/Winter School Office Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. 

Ultima modifica: Gio 30 Nov 2023 - 09:01

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