ProSoEULaw Abroad

Reinforcing EU responsible global leadership: promoting human rights and democracy through solidarity for a rules-based multilateral world

Unipi Team Leader: Leonardo Pasquali, Department of Law

The aim of the project is to understand how the EU can play a more proactive role for a rules-based multilateral world through its external action based on solidarity in particular for the promotion of human rights and democracy. The main purpose is to train a new generation of experts who are sensitive to the most pressing issues of the contemporary international context and who can acquire highly competitive skills in the world of employment.
The Chair will consist of a range of in-depth teaching and training activities, as well as events such as Conferences, Seminars, Round Table, Winter School, Moot Courts. The said activities will be delivered in blended modality in order to reach the widest public possible and to allow people that are unable to take part in person to be included.
At least 1.150 students, practitioners, representatives of the civil society, and researchers will benefit from the Chair activities.
At the end of the Project, it is expected to attain a better comprehension of the role the EU can play in multilateralism through solidarity, offering innovative perspectives on its values-driven external action and its impact on the rest of the world. Thus, the project would promote excellence in teaching and research in EU studies (not only inside the EU, but also outside the EU) creating a new generation of policy makers and legal practitioners with in-depth knowledge and expertise, while strengthening the role of the EU in the international scenario.
Throughout the Chair, 312 teaching hours will be delivered. The research activity will result in a book which will make the main research findings available to the wider public and in a final report in which suggestions to translate the project’s results into new policies and improved practices will be identified. All the materials produced throughout the project will be made available on the Chair’s website which will continue to be updated after the EU funding ends.

Start date: 01-10-2022

End date: 30-09-2025

EU Grant: 41.000 € 

Project website:

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