
przywracanie życia zabytkom

In our project „Renovation – bringing monuments to life” took part 20 students of Comprehensive Schools of Building and Construction in Gdańsk. These students acquire knowledge in professions such as technician of restoration of architectural elements and technician of wood technology.
The appointed students took part in a two-week placement (apprenticeship), which was held in Pisa (Italy). These students worked on the project in laboratories of the Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry Department, University of Pisa and participated in restoration of frescoes in Campo Santo, which allowed to get to know modern research methods of wood and familiarization with the techniques of restoration at the highest level.
The project lasted from 01.06.2017 to 31.05.2019. The project partner was Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry Department, University of Pisa.
Our project fitted very well in the European growth strategy ‘Europa 2020’, and it is also consistent with the educational policy of our province, city and school. Taking into consideration the growing importance of youth’s mobility flow and the care of vocational education, we were undertaking actions which encouraged students to cooperate with foreign partners. The aim of the project was to support students in acquiring professional and social competences through getting familiar with new technologies related with renovation of monuments and to strengthen both multicultural bonds and to respect mutually completed work. Thanks to the participation in this project our teachers got familiar with one of the European technical languages well enough to enable basic communication. Moreover, another aim of the project was to raise the European dimension of vocational school through starting cooperation with foreign job market and the institutions of higher education. The teachers who took part in the project together with the students, gained additional experience in setting and realising practical trainings in restoration of architectural elements and properties of wood using the latest techniques, and in particular the knowledge of innovative solutions for maintenance of monuments.
Our students, by gaining their first professional experience abroad, increased their knowledge, qualifications essential in their profession skills, which are directly related with new techniques used in the restoration, knowledge of innovative solutions applied to study properties of wood and practical skills of conservation usage.
Methodology used for project purposes consisted of few stages which played an important part and also determined the project’s success. Methodology embraced all the actions undertaken by the project partners, namely, activities that enabled the participants for mobility, attractive practical trainings, professional and cultural trips as well as monitoring evaluation and dissemination. Completing practical trainings in renovation in Italy let our students become familiar with solutions met in renovator’s and wood technologist’s work other than the ones in Poland. As for social competences, our students learned from each other. They practiced also the ability to cooperate and to share gained knowledge. It had and will have its impact on limiting the number of students finishing their education too early. The direct results also involved knowledge of tradition, history, culture and Italian architecture. It will later become the sense of the European togetherness. The long-term results will be tightly connected with vocational and social competences of our students. Serving the apprenticeship abroad developed the spirit of enterprise, quick reaction to work market changes and strengthened self esteem through overcoming personal weaknesses. It developed also faith in individual development possibilities which will have a great impact on active and effective motion within the European work market. The predicted long-term and permanent influence of school’s actions on its graduate’s profile will be a potentially successful, well-educated and socially active worker who will not be endangered by poverty or social elimination.

Coordinator:  Panstwowe Szkoly Budownictwa im. prof. Mariana Osinskiego (Poland) 

Other participants: 


Start date: 01-06-2017

End date: 31-05-2019

EU Grant: 39.808,00 €

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