University Corridors Project for Refugee Students 4.0

The University of Pisa joined in the University Corridors Project for Refugee Students, together with other Italian universities.

The project is promoted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and counts on the direct involvement of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Caritas Italiana, the Waldensian Deaconship, Centro Astalli, Ghandi Charity along with the participation of other local institutions and authorities.

The Project’s aim is to consolidate and strengthen a legal and safe entry channel to facilitate the access of refugees to higher education in Italy. It will also promote their social integration and active participation in the academic life, in harmony with the Global Compact on Refugees and with the Manifesto for the Inclusive University, developed by UNHCR and endorsed by the University of Pisa.

The University of Pisa published the Call UNI-CO-RE 4.0 (University Corridors for Refugees, a.y. 2022-2024) to select two refugee students from Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria holding a higher education qualification suitable for the admission to master's degrees held in English.

The students will be selected on merit criteria. They will be provided with financial support during their application procedure for VISA, their arrival in Italy, and throughout the standard duration of their study programme.



Beneficiaries of the UNICORE 4.0 project will benefit from full support in:

  • pre-enrolling at the Italian Embassy and carrying out immigration procedures;
  • applying for admission to one of the Second Cycle degree programmes held in English at the University of Pisa, listed in Annex 2;
  • integrating into the local students’ life and community.

Beneficiaries of the UNICORE 4.0 project at the University of Pisa will also receive specific financial benefits and support, consisting of:

  • Full coverage of the expenses incurred in before the arrival in Italy (e.g. flight tickets, visa application and preparation of supporting documents) covered by Caritas Italiana and UNHCR;
  • € 3,000 per year covered by the University of Pisa, paid into instalments;
  • Support in applying for Diritto allo studio Universitario (DSU Toscana) benefits.
    In the event the beneficiary is not awarded the DSU benefits for the Academic Year 2022/2023 and/or 2023/2024, a supplementary grant of 3,000€ per academic year will be awarded by the University of Pisa in compliance with the merit requirements listed in the Call for applications.
  • Tuition fee exemption (still, the student must pay € 16 for the revenue stamp - amount subject to change for A.Y. 2022-23);
  • Free accommodation in a shared room from arrival to October 2022;
  • Free access to university canteens;
  • Free Italian language course for the duration of the project and possibility to attend other languages courses for free in collaboration with Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLI);
  • Monthly allowance of 100 € per student for additional cost throughout the study programme duration, coverage of the cost for Residency permit and annual registration in the National Health System, a SIM Card covered by the Waldensian Deaconship;
  • Contributes to the supply of teaching materials and clothing, purchase of means of transport (e.g. bicycles) or subscription to public transport for the duration of the project, a laptop covered by Caritas Diocesana Pisana;
  • Mentoring services in administrative, logistical and educational issues throughout the study programme, provided by the International Office and the teaching staff in charge of the project;
  • A Buddy service to facilitate the integration in the local students’ life and community;
  • Additional support from local partners signing the cooperation agreement.



Application is open exclusively to candidates who:

  • are residing in Cameroon,Niger or Nigeria and have been recognized the refugee status/International Protection in these countries in collaboration with UNHCR;
  • hold a qualification valid for admission to the selected Second Cycle degree programme, issued by a higher education institution duly accredited in the higher education system of Cameroon, Niger or Nigeria. The qualification must be obtained between the year 2017 and the 31March 2022 with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 according to the tertiary education grading system of the country of graduation or equivalent according to  the comparable table issued by the Italian Ministry of Education;
  • are interested in one of the Master’s degree programmes held in English at the University of Pisa and meet the specific admission requirements;
  • have never before been enrolled in a degree program at any of the Partner Universities.
  • Proficiency in the English language is required.


Deadlines and procedures

The application must be submitted exclusively via email to the mailbox Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. specifying in according to the Call for applications.

  • Publication of the call: 1 April, 2022
  • Deadline for applications: 29 April 31 May 2022 at 12:00 am. (Italy official time)
  • Publication of the results: 10 June 15 July 2022 at 12:00 am. (Italy official time)


Call and Annexes


International Office
e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Additional info

Ultima modifica: Ven 08 Lug 2022 - 08:54

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