Tips in SCQFT

UMSCA logonipi Team Leader: prof. Massimo D’Elia, Dip. Di Fisica


"As a MSC fellow I will work on the investigation of non-perturbative and topological properties of strong interactions and beyond. This project includes the study of 3 timely problems on Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theories (SCQFT) using Lattice techniques.

Within this project I will provide the detailed calculation of the spectrum of the closed flux-tube in 4-dimensional Yang-Mills theory and investigate the properties of the new ""axion"" particle on the worldsheet of the QCD flux-tube. This includes the extraction of the excitation spectrum of the flux-tube in the fundamental representation of colour with N-ality k=1 as well as in representations with k=0 and k=2, for short as well as long-flux tubes and for arbitrary values of the θ-vacuum angle.

Furthermore, I will evaluate the Standard Model value of the neutron Electric Dipole Moment (nEDM) via Lattice QCD; this investigation would make use of 3 and 4 flavours of quarks with masses corresponding to the physical pion mass as well as an extrapolation to the continuum. This would provide valuable input for current and future experiments measuring nEDM. In addition I will investigate strongly coupled BSM physics as a possible explanation for the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. Within this framework I will study the continuum properties of the SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with 1 adjoint Dirac flavour. This might proved to be an essential component of a theory that could realise the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking and could be verified by LHC or future experiments.

This 3-fold interdisciplinary project requires computational work which involves highly sophisticated numerical techniques and state of the art HPC facilities. The above actions will be running in parallel with an estimated completion time of 24 months. Moreover this proposal aims to train the fellow on GPU programming, simulations at finite θ, BSM phenomenology and to introduce as well as to establish UNIPI in Lattice BSM studies."





Start date 01/04/2019

End date 31/03/2021

Duration 24 months

Project cost 180.277,20 €

Project funding 180.277,20 €

Unipi quota 180.277,20 €

Call title H2020-MSCA-IF-2017

Unipi role Coordinator


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