Reinforcing EU Responsible Global Leadership: Promoting EU Values for a Rules-based Multi-lateral World: A Successful First Edition

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The first edition of our brand new Winter School Reinforcing EU Responsible Global Leadership: Promoting EU Values for a Rules-based Multi-lateral World successfully concluded a few days ago.

The Winter School has been organized as part of the activities of the Jean Monnet Chair "ProSoEULaw Abroad" of the Department of Law of the University of Pisa and it was held by Prof. Leonardo Pasquali, full professor of International Law. The 33 participants – students of law, international relations, economics, doctoral students and legal professionals – came from 4 continents and from many different countries such as Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Japan, China, Turkey, Kosovo, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Turkey, Georgia, Greece, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan.

The Winter School aimed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge of the role of the European Union for a rules-based multilateral world. The analysis therefore focused on promoting the values of the EU in its relations with the rest of the world, as specified in the Treaty on European Union (TEU).

The Rector Prof. Riccardo Zucchi also brought his greetings to the inaugural lesson, together with Prof. Pierluigi Consorti, coordinator of the doctorate course in Legal Sciences, and Prof. Eleonora Sirsi, deputy director of the Department of Law. On the last day of the program, a Moot Court Competition took place, which was an opportunity for learning by doing through the simulation of judicial/arbitration proceedings, which allowed participants to test the practical knowledge acquired during the lessons.

Ultima modifica: Gio 15 Feb 2024 - 11:10

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