Starting@UNIPI 2024 - The call to support your application for the ERC Starting Grant

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With Starting@UNIPI the University of Pisa supports researchers in the submission of projects to the ERC Starting Grant 2025 call, expected to be published in July 2024 with a deadline in October 2024.

The recipients of the grant are researchers of any nationality who choose the University of Pisa as the host institution for their project proposal on the ERC-StG 2025 call. It is not required to have an active contract with UNIPI.

The support will consist of a comprehensive and interactive review process on:

- CV and scientific profile of the Principal Investigator (PI);

- Project idea and its presentation.

This support will be provided by a consulting agency selected by the University of Pisa in collaboration with the Research Development Unit.

Submission procedure

The application consists of:

- Letter of acknowledgment from the hosting Department (Attachment 1).

- CV of the PI + project idea (Attachment 2).

Candidates who have submitted a proposal in response to the ERC-StG-2023 and ERC-StG-2024 calls may replace Attachment 2 with Section B1 of the proposal itself.

The material, in PDF format, should be sent to the email address Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

Proposal evaluation

The evaluation will be carried out by a Commission composed of expert reviewers for the three ERC domains. Up to a maximum of 10 proposals will be selected. Projects are evaluated based on the criteria of scientific excellence and the candidate's profile, following the ERC-StG criteria.


Call opening: 10 May 2024

Deadline for submitting application: 7 June 2024

Evaluation of applications: June 2024

Start of support: July 2024

The detailed timelines will be published once the opening and closing dates of the ERC StG 2025 call are announced.

For projects that receive ERC funding with UNIPI as the host institution:

- The PI may be eligible for a permanent position at the University of Pisa in accordance with current regulations.

- The PI will be supported throughout the negotiation phase with the ERCEA (European Research Council Executive Agency) and, subsequently, in project management and reporting by the University's Research Services in collaboration with the Department hosting the research.

Results of the evaluation process

Here below the list of the the proposals admitted to the support service. Out of the 26 proposals received, 25 passed the eligibility check and were admitted to the evaluation phase. 

Admitted proposals

Call document and annexes

Starting@unipi call_2024

Annex 1_2024

Annex 2_2024

For more information

Unità Promozione e Progettazione della Ricerca

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