Technology Transfer Core activities

Patent Section

  • supporting and consulting on patents and intellectual property
  • agreements and licenses: confidentiality agreements, options, assignment and licensing agreements with national and international companies


Spin-offs and entrepreneurial training section

  • supporting and consulting for spin-offs and business creation​
  • programs for approaching entrepreneurship (Contamination Lab, Start For Future, Circle EU)


Tecnology transfer projects and companies relationships

  • networking: NETVAL - Netval Research Universities Network, AIRI - Italian Association for Industrial Research​
  • projects for the enhancement of Technology Transfer (internally managed POCs, publicly funded PoCs, PoCs with private fundings)
  • promotion (events, workshops, hackathon...)
  • Converging skills: The event explores best practices world-wide in the above principles and delineates a road-map and a strategic vision to create a successful ecosystem of researchers, entrepreneurs and investors that believe and these principles and are willing to make a changes in current practices. The organizers have invited people from academic institutions and industries, investors, policy makers to seat together, share knowledge and experience and shaping a vision of the future.​

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