MSCA-Seal of Excellence @UNIPI


SealofExcellenceMSCA Seal of Excellence @UNIPI - Call for applications 2025

NEWS! The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions-Seal of Excellence@UNIPI (MSCA-SoE@UNIPI) measure has been renewed for the MSCA-PF 2024 call, which is due on September 11th. Thanks to this measure, the University will award up to 5 two-year research post-doc position of €40,000 per year to researchers of any nationality who:

• submit a project proposal for the MSCA-PF 2024 call, choosing a UNIPI professor as supervisor and indicating our university as the Host Institution,

• receive the 'Seal of Excellence – MSC Actions' from the European Commission, scoring 85/100 or higher, but do not receive funding due to budget constraints.

In addition, the University will allocate €10,000 to the research department where the grant holder will carry out their research activities as a budget to start the project.

All information on how to participate in MSCA-SoE@UNIPI will be published in the coming months on this page.


MSCA Seal of Excellence @UNIPI - Call for applications 2024

With Rectoral Decree n. DR n. 329/2024, the University of Pisa has launched MSCA Seal of Excellence @UNIPI 2024 – Call for applications to attract young researchers to carry out research projects of a high international standard.

MSCA Seal of Excellence @UNIPI 2024 is aimed at researchers, of any nationality, who have:

  • submitted a project proposal under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) 2023 call,
  • indicated UNIPI as a beneficiary,
  • received the "Seal of Excellence (SoE) - MSC Actions” from the European Commission, by having obtained a score of at least 85/100, despite not having been funded due to budget constraints.

The University will award up to five two-year research fellowships to as many SoE holders with an annual amount of 40,000 Euro, and will allocate additional 10,000 Euro to the structure hosting the fellowship, as budget to start the project.


Results of the evaluation procedure  

The outcomes of the evaluation procedure of the applications received in response to the call have been published with management directive 695/2024.  

Ranking of the applications: 






Giacomo Londi 


Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry 


Bahareh Azimi 


Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering 


Giulia Cozzani 


Department of Physics 


Call and attachments

For more information

Research Development Unit

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[1] MSCA - Seal of Excellence certificates are issued annually in March.

Ultima modifica: Ven 14 Giu 2024 - 10:32

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