Seminar: "Business, Power and Sustainability"

Evento online

data 29 Settembre 2020 15:00  |  luogo Online L'evento si tiene in rete, consulta la pagina dell'evento
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Senzanome copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copy copyMartedì 29 settembre, alle ore 15,00, avrà luogo il seminario online "Business, Power and Sustainability" di Stefano Ponte.

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 Managing sustainability concerns is big business. Yet, climate change, rampant deforestation and loss of biodiversity suggest that corporations are not doing nearly enough to address global sustainability challenges. In the name of sustainability, a massive transfer of resources is taking place along global value chains – from the global South to the global North, from producers to global buyers and consumers, and from labour to capital. Global buyers are finding new ways to extract environmental value from their suppliers, making more money for themselves while leaving little impact on sustainability. The accumulation of ‘green capital’ goes hand in hand with a failure to tackle ‘brown environments’. Current regulatory instruments are falling short and multi-stakeholder initiatives, social movements and activism still have a long way to go. Drawing from his recent book and twenty years of research from the ground up, Stefano Ponte suggests new ways of addressing these challenges.
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Il seminario si terrà in lingua inglese ed è aperto a chiunque voglia partecipare




Info e Contatti:


2020-09-29 15:00:00
2020-09-29 16:00:00

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