Trier-Pisa Summer School on measurement of well-being and social progress
9-13. September 2013

loghi eurostat e e-frame


The aim of the course is to give a broad overview about the Beyond GDP topic and its practical application with a special emphasis on official statistics.

Short description

In economics and social sciences the measurement of economic and social progress has been a topic of main interest for decades due to its high political relevance. The importance of these topics in policy results in a growing demand for researchers at universities with know-how in this area. The summer school combines contextual with statistical aspects, always focusing on the usability of presented indicators and estimation methods in practice. Its program contains NSI expertise as well as key competences for researchers at universities. The summer school is part of the e-Frame Project (European Framework for Measuring Progress)

  • Master students, especially students of economics, sociology and mathematics  
  • PhD students, especially students of economics, sociology and mathematics  
  • NSI staff

Solid knowledge in basic statistics and keen interest in the presented topic is required. 
Each location (Pisa and Trier) offers enough space for 20-25 participants, so in total there are 40-50 places.


There will be eight lectures (double sessions) total, each concentrating on a special topic. Each double session consists of two sessions of 90 minutes. 
Programme of the lectures


Each participant will be given an Attendance Certificate. Those wishing to receive credits for their home university should contact their home institution to clarify if any credits can be given for the participation in this program.

Funds and sponsorship

The summer school is part of the FP7 e-Frame project funded by the European Commission.
The summer school will be co-sponsored by Eurostat within the EMOS (European Master on Official Statistics) initiative.


The completed and hand-signed application form (can be downloaded from this link) should be sent to .
Confirmations of acceptance will be made prior to May 31st.


Main organizer:
Prof. Ralf Münnich, University of Trier
Tel: +49 651 2012651,

Co-organizer Pisa:
Prof. Monica Pratesi, University of Pisa
Tel: +39 0502216252,

Local organizer Trier:
Jan Seger, University of Trier
Tel: +49 651 2014167,

Local organizer Pisa:
Giovanni Riccardi
, University of Pisa
Tel: +39 0502216252,

Local page Trier

Logo Trier

Ultimo aggionamento documento: 02-May-2013