Under Law 183/2011, the certificates issued by the University of Pisa cannot be given to public administration bodies or private managers of public services.
Said law provides that "the certifications issued by the public administration regarding status, personal qualities and facts are valid and usable only in relations between private individuals. In relations with public administration bodies and public service managers, certificates and deeds of reputation are always replaced by the declarations referred to in articles 46 and 47” of Presidential Decree 445/2000 (so-called self-certifications).
The failure to accept the self-certifications by public administration bodies and public service managers is a violation of official duties.
Therefore, if it is necessary to certify acts or facts relating to one's university career to a public body or private managers of public services, the student is required to submit a self-certification, which replaces the certificate for all legal purposes.
The certificates remain valid and can be used in relations with private individuals in Italy. The handwritten signature is omitted under art. 3 co. 2 of the Legislative Decree 12 February 1993 n. 39.
The certificates for foreign use, in Italian and English, must instead be printed by the student secretariat and signed by the appropriate officials with the signature deposited in the Prefecture.
Certificates required for the uses envisaged by current legislation are exempt from the stamp duty (Presidential Decree 26/10/1972 n.642 Annex B - Table and other provisions). The other certificates are issued with stamp duty.
To obtain certificates, you can:
- print them from the Alice portal in your reserved area.
- send the application form (.pdf format .docx format), with the attached scan/copy of a valid identity document:
- For enrolment and graduation certificates for first and second level courses, to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
- for qualification certificates, to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
- by post to the Student Secretariat - University of Pisa - Largo Bruno Pontecorvo n. 3 - 56127 Pisa
- make an appointment, by emailing Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., to go personally to the student secretariat counters, or delegate a third person with a signed proxy that contains, in addition to their personal data and those of the delegator, an indication of the operations that the delegate is authorised to carry out. A photocopy of the valid identity document of both people must be attached to the proxy.
ATTENTION: the student office is closed to the public. See the opening hours page for updates.
Stamp duty certificates require the affixing of a revenue stamp of € 16.00 onto the application form, as well as a revenue stamp of € 16.00 on each certificate issued. If the request is sent by post, in addition to the revenue stamps, it is necessary to include the revenue stamp transmission form in the envelope.
For information on requesting certificates for post-graduate study courses (PhDs, Masters, Postgraduate Schools, Teacher Training and Support Courses) consult the specific web page.
Direzione Servizi per la Didattica e gli studenti
largo Bruno Pontecorvo n. 3 - Pisa
e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
For all and complete details, please see the italian page available here.