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Lunedì, 20 Giugno 2011 11:04

“The pride for our history and for our present times must push us to look towards the future with faith.”

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the Chancellor Massimo Mario Augello the Chancellor Massimo Mario Augello

the Chancellor Massimo Mario AugelloReviving a tradition that goes back to 1843, the University of Pisa has awarded the 'Ordine del Cherubino' (The Order of the Cherubim) to ten of its professors. This award and recognition goes to those scholars who have contributed to increase the University's prestige thanks to their particular scientific and cultural merits or for their contribution to the life and functioning of this institution. The professors called to receive the insignia and diploma are the following: Aldo Balestrino from the Faculty of Engineering; Giovanni Umberto Corsini from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery; Marcello Giorgi from the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences; Roberto Dvornicich from the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences; Carlo Bartolozzi from the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Giuliano Massimo Barale from the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy; Francesco Tolari from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; Franco Bonsignori from the Faculty of Law; Bruno Neri from the Faculty of Engineering and Gian Mario Cazzaniga from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

The morning began with an introduction by the Chancellor Massimo Mario Augello who, after reminding the old origins of the award, talked about the deepest meaning of the meeting. "This today" – he said – "is not merely an event which is rich in history and tradition: it is, rather, a recognition of the scientific excellence that has always characterised and still characterises our University: as such, it is projected into the future, since it represents for all young scholars who have undertaken the tiring but fascinating path of research an example to follow, and a challenging goal to pursue ." Soon after he turned directly to face the prize winners and affirmed that, "Your scientific paths are therefore a clear example of the wealth and complexity of research that is carried out at the University of Pisa and such as allows our University to be considered as one of the established best in Italy according to the national and international classifications, with certain disciplines at the top of European and world rankings."

In his talk the Chancellor developed his reflection upon the difficult times the University of Pisa and the Italian University system in general are going through. Being aware of the persistent difficulties involved, he wished to send a sign of cohesion and optimism. "The University of Pisa, just like the entire Italian University system, is going through a particularly delicate phase in which it is hard to see at the moment any possible positive ways out. We mustn't be discouraged about this fact, however; we must, on the contrary, find in our pride (which is connected to our history and our present) solid motivations for building a future which will still remain at the height of our traditions."

After having summarised some of the strategic lines of the University governance, Professor Augello concluded with the reminder that along the journey towards a building of the future those operating within the institution must "be able to draw from their heritage, ideas, values and principles, which are present in our glorious tradition and are the basis from which we can look towards the future with renewed optimism."

Additional Info

  • titolo home: Massimo Augello, sends a message of optimism in his talk given at the 'Ordine del Cherubino' awards ceremony
  • abstract:

    Reviving a tradition that goes back to 1843, the University of Pisa has awarded the 'Ordine del Cherubino' (The Order of the Cherubim) to ten of its professors

  • datanews: 11 March 2011
  • sottotitolonews: The Chancellor of Pisa University, Massimo Augello, sends a message of optimism in his talk given at the 'Ordine del Cherubino' awards ceremony
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