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Lunedì, 20 Giugno 2011 11:43

The project of two graduates from Pisa in 'Euroflora 2011'

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Claudia Canigiani and Valentina Geri Claudia Canigiani and Valentina Geri

Claudia Canigiani and Valentina GeriA garden that reproduces with plants, herbs and flowers, the interior of a house, with a bed and bedside table created with Dichondra, armchairs and chairs made from turf and climbing grass, dining room table composed of Festucca (boulder blue) and climbing plants. This is the brilliant idea proposed by two young graduates from the University of Pisa, Claudia Canigiani and Valentina Geri whose project was selected for participation in 'Euroflora 2011', one of the most important flower and plant events in Europe which takes place every year in Genoa.

The two graduates, who received their degrees at the Faculty of Agricultural Studies having studied 'Design and planning of green areas and landscape' for their thesis, took part in the international competition for ideas convened at the 'Euroflora' event.They competed against another 140 candidates, among whom were Spaniards, Germans, French and Dutch candidates. Their project, entitled 'La rivincita del verde' (Green's Revenge), was chosen together with other 24 gardens; it was created (days immediately before this Genoan event) and set up in an exhibition space provided by the organisation, and remained there throughout the entire duration of the fair.

The idea of Claudia Canigiani and Valentina Geri is based on the most sophisticated techniques of 're-greening' and 'vegetalisation' of buildings. It aims at valuing the presence of plant life in daily life, while emphasising the importance of a bond between the natural world and the artificial world which today appears to be irretrievably lost. "This project – wrote Claudia and Valentina in their presentation – takes inspiration from an idea of reconciliation according to which both elements, the house and the garden, are present – each one at a hundred percent, and organically integrated. We construct and modify buildings and furnishings so they are in harmony with nature, and thought of as life itself: dynamic and multiform.

Two companies from the Province of Pisa have collaborated on the creation of the garden: one is the country store 'Pacini' for the 'erbavogliosystem turf' and the other is 'Greensol' for the supply of some plant species.

Additional Info

  • titolo home: The interior of a house as a garden
  • abstract:

    A garden that reproduces with plants, herbs and flowers, the interior of a house, with a bed and bedside table, armchairs and chairs and dining room table 

  • datanews: 29 April 2011
  • sottotitolonews: By utilising plants, herbs and flowers they created a garden which reproduces the interior of a house
Read 10282 times Last modified on Lunedì, 20 Giugno 2011 13:37

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