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Antonio Cisternino - Delegate for Information Technology

Antonio CisterninoAntonio Cisternino
Researcher in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science

Antonio Cisternino was born in Pisa in 1973. He received his degree in Computer Science in 1999, a postgraduate degree in Information Technology in 2001, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2003 with a doctoral thesis on “Multi-stage and Meta-programming Support in Strongly Typed Execution Engines”. He was granted an internship at the Microsoft Research laboratories in Cambridge in 2001 in the group Programming Languages, principles, techniques and tools. He has been a researcher at the Department of Computer Science since 2006.

Institutional roles

Dr. Antonio Cisternino was the delegate for Guidance of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences from 2007 to 2012, and subsequently the delegate for Guidance on entry for the Department of Computer Science. He was the director of the Centre for Calculus of the Department of Computer Science from 2010 to 2012. He has been the director of the national programming competition, ‘Gara Nazionale di programmazione della Macchina di Turing’ since 2001. He participated in the constitution of the Interdepartmental Centre for Research and Services “IT Center” of which he has been vice director since 2013.

Scientific and teaching activities

Dr. Cisternino has taught core subjects for Bachelor and Master’s degree courses at the Department of Computer Science. In particular, he taught the courses in Advanced Programming and Graphic Interfaces Programming. He has given courses to Ph.D. students at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pisa and the IT University of Copenhagen.
As regards research, he has dealt with programming languages with particular attention to meta-programming and domain specific languages. He has actively contributed in the development of the .NET platform (and in particular the lightweight runtime code generation system) and is one of the contributors to F# programming language as well as being co-author of the series “Expert F#” with the language author. At present, he has turned his attention to FOG and the Internet of Things. He is co-author of the runtime open source IoX for supporting a computational model of semantic routing. He has been the reviewer of various papers for journals and international conferences. He participated in the European ARGUGRID projects (ARGUmentation as a foundation for the semantic GRID, 6th Framework Programme 2006-2009), and SeaCLOUDS (2013-2016). He headed the unit at the Department of Computer Science for the regional project LILIT (2011-2013). As regards technology transfer, applying research activity to technology reality is an important part of Dr. Cisternino’s activities. In this field, he has collaborated with numerous industrial realities such as Ferrari, Microsoft, Dell, Intel, Acer, AMD and HP. He contributed in the development and maintenance of the service for the ‘Statement of University Results’ and the service for digital signatures. He developed the system in use in Tuscany for the calculations in the Fertilization Programme, and more recently, he redesigned the Real Estate Registry used by three reclamation consortiums of Tuscany.


Segreteria dei Prorettori
Palazzo Alla Giornata, Lungarno Pacinotti 43 - 56100 Pisa
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Ultima modifica: Mer 04 Gen 2017 - 14:45

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