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Summer Schools in Engineering

Summer Schools in Engineering

  This Summer School offers 6 ECTS credits through the delivering of 52-hour lectures. Attendees will get an introduction to…

  The Summer School will focus on methodologies and ICT technologies for an autonomous, sustainable, resilient, and human-centered industry. The…

  The International Summer School “The City and the Water”, since 2014, is a Design Full-Time Workshop, aimed at investigating the…

    The 2024 edition of the Summer School ‘5G: Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges Ahead’ is organized to offer…

    The 2024 edition of the Summer School Enabling Technologies for Industrial Internet of Things (ET-I2oT 2024) is organized…

  IMPORTANT NOTICE: The awarding of scholarships (reserved to students enrolled in a Bachelor or Master Degree Program in 2024, 5 for…

  Physics students will be trained in the research groups working on the new Fermilab initiatives, the mu2e, muon (g-2),…

The Winter School is dedicated to PhD students who perform their research activities in the field of fluid machinery and energy…

2023 • 5G: Enabling Technologies, Opportunities and Research Challenges AheadScientific Coordinators: Prof. Luca Sanguinetti – Prof. Marco Moretti - Website  • Consciousness and CognitionScientific Coordinator: Prof.…

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