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Students from the Chinese Marine Graduate School of the University of Pisa return for second Internship

It is the only Sino-Italian school officially recognized by the Chinese government

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From June 24th to 30th, 55 Chinese students from Zhejiang Ocean University arrived in Pisa for their internships at various university facilities. These students are enrolled in the dual Master's degree programs in Marine Biology and Food Biosafety and Quality, which the University of Pisa offers in collaboration with Zhejiang Ocean University. The partnership with the Chinese university dates back to 2015 when the double degree in Marine Biology was launched. This led to the establishment in 2017 of the 'Zhejiang Ocean University - University of Pisa Marine Graduate School,' the only Sino-Italian school officially recognized by the Chinese government.


The University's International Cooperation Office representatives, Paola Cappellini and Arianna Biancani, welcomed the Chinese students and their accompanying professors in the historic Sapienza lecture hall. The program kicked off with presentations by faculty from both departments, coordinated by professors Monica Agnolucci, Andrea Serra, and Ferruccio Maltagliati. Activities also included visits to the University of Pisa's Natural History Museum in Calci and concluded at the 'Enrico Avanzi' Agro-Environmental Research Center.


As part of the internship program, students visited Livorno, including the local branch of ISPRA (Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), the CIBM (Interuniversity Center for Marine Biology 'G. Bacci'), and the Aquarium.

  • 10 July 2024

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