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The University of Pisa at the forefront of higher education in Palestine and Jordan: the BASE project is underway

The University of Pisa is part of a strategic initiative that aims to align the university systems of the two Middle Eastern countries with European standards

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Reforming higher education in Palestine and Jordan, strengthening the quality of degree courses and the international recognition of qualifications: this is the ambitious goal of BASE - Bologna for Science Education in Palestine and Jordan, the Erasmus+ project that sees the University of Pisa as the only Italian higher education institution, along with the University of Barcelona and numerous Palestinian and Jordanian universities. The University of Pisa is part of a strategic initiative that aims to align local university systems with European standards, improving accreditation of studies and sustainability of scientific research.


The project, coordinated by An-Najah National University in Palestine, was officially launched with a kickoff meeting recently held in Amman. During the inaugural meeting, academic and institutional representatives from Palestine, Jordan, Italy and Spain outlined main features of the project, which involves collaboration between universities, ministries of education and accreditation bodies. The aim is to facilitate the adoption of Bologna Process standards, optimizing the quality of university education and promoting international mobility for students and teachers. A central theme of the meeting was the difficult context in which Palestinian universities operate, aggravated by the ongoing conflict. Palestinian Minister of Education, Amjad Barham, stressed the urgency of supporting the academic sector, with particular attention to the devastating impact that the crisis is having on Gaza universities.

For the University of Pisa, the scientific referents of the project, Maria Franzini and Lara Tavoschi, professors of the Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, took part in the meeting. Their contribution will be crucial for the development of strategies aimed at strengthening the sustainability of scientific research and cooperation between the institutions involved, along a path that aims to build a sounder internationally recognized university system.

“Such initiatives,” Maria Franzini emphasizes, “play a crucial role in sustaining education and supporting students’ futures. University leaders and accreditation officers have emphasized the importance of modernizing curricula, strengthening university-industry partnerships, and aligning university education with labor market needs.” “This project marks a transformative step toward improving higher education in Palestine and Jordan, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to access career and research opportunities both regionally and globally,” adds Lara Tavoschi.

Giovanni Federico Gronchi, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and International Relations and supervisor of project activities, commented on participation in the project as follows: “Faced with the challenges of contemporary society, the University of Pisa has been committed for years to generating and disseminating knowledge and to contributing, also through Erasmus+ funding, to the development and modernization of the higher education sector in various parts of the world. Participation in BASE therefore gives us the opportunity, on the one hand, to support partner higher education institutions in meeting international standards, also giving university staff the opportunity to effectively manage and implement changes, but above all it concretely demonstrates the University’s commitment to implementing the principles of peace, sustainability and social responsibility, as recently ratified in the Statute. In fact, last spring, in a joint session of the Academic Senate and the Board of Directors, a document was approved in which it was indicated that the University would promote the development of collaborations with Palestinian higher education institutions and this project gives us the opportunity to implement that objective”.


  • 17 February 2025

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