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Giuseppe Iannaccone elected Fellow of the American Physical Society

Iannaccone’s research focuses on semiconductor electronics and on nanoelectronics

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iannaccone giuseppeGiuseppe Iannaccone, Professor of Electronics at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), in recognition of his “outstanding contribution to physics”.

Iannaccone’s research focuses on semiconductor electronics and on nanoelectronics. “Semiconductor electronics depends more and more on the exploration on new materials, devices and technologies for the grand challenges of the Information Society” – Iannaccone says. “Cross fertilization across different disciplines is therefore required. In this context, one needs to couple a physicist’s approach, pursuing the understanding of the fundamental properties of nanostructures and new materials, with an engineer’s approach, aimed at exploiting these properties for new applications and for gaining competitive industrial advantages.

The citation from APS recognizes Iannaccone “for contributions to the theory of quantum transport and noise in mesoscopic and nanoelectronic devices and to their application in electronics”.

Election as an APS Fellow is a distinct honor conferred each year to no more than one half of one percent of APS membership. The APS is the largest society of physicists in the world, including over 50,000 physicists in Academia, research centers and Industry.

In 2014 Giuseppe Iannaccone he has been elected Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

  • 15 October 2015

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