The University of Pisa has been progressively working towards the removal of any obstacles that may interfere between students with special needs and their university life experience. This will allow students to participate in all activities carried out in the various university structures.
There is a specific office, the USID (Unità di Servizi per l'Integrazione degli studenti Disabili) Service unit for facilitating acess and success for students with special needs which is open to the public and has dedicated administrative staff and a coordinator responsible for support needs, appointed by the Rector.
The following services are offered:
- Educational and specialised tutoring for the provision and facilitation of study skills and to identify alternative methods of taking exams;
- Planning of classrooms and schedules to facilitate access to the classrooms and to other university facilities;
- Support with transportation to ensure necessary transfers for those with impaired mobility. The University has three dedicated vehicles equipped with lifts;
- Technological assistance/aids by using IT tools and specialist software to provide assistance for different types of support needs;
- Economic and administrative support for stays abroad:
- Monitoring of architectural barriers to control the accessibility of facilities and to promote immediate action for the removal of obstacles;
- Welcome Project to promote the support available for students and assist them in planning their academic career.
If you would like to contact our USID office, please email to:
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Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3 - Area Pontecorvo (Complesso ex Marzotto)
Edificio G - 56127 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 2213608