Health hub is focused on preventing and treating human and animal diseases, improving efficiency, quality and innovation of healthcare. Both preventive and personalized medicine and better care of those who are already sick depend on increased knowledge of the mechanisms underlying diseases and the development of new diagnostic tools and treatment strategies. Taking an integrated approach, UNIPI strategically brings together pharmaceuticals, medicine and health, conducting Preclinical, Clinical and Translational Research, assessing the socio-economic impacts of diseases and studying the new management, planning and control models of health systems and the transformations of health law. Our research looks at:
ENGINEERING OF HEALTH – biomedical engineering, robotics applied to surgery and soft robotics
Biofabrication, Human Machine Interaction, In-Vitro Models And Cell Imaging, Wearable Monitoring Systems;
Hands And Haptics, Mobile Robotics, Soft Robotics For Physical Human-Robot Interaction;
Augmented Reality technologies applied to surgery.
ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - therapy for treatment of diabetes, Molecular Mechanisms in Autoimmune, Inflammatory and Allergic Conditions
Innovative therapies for type 1 diabetes and for risk assessment and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification;
Identification of Molecular Mechanisms of non-response to treatments, relapses and remission in autoimmune, Inflammatory, and allergic conditions.
BASIC AND TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCES - basic neuroscience, molecular biology, genomics, gene therapy, cell therapy, stem cell biology, information technology, neuro devices, rehabilitation
Implementation of early detection and early intervention service delivery in infants at risk for cerebral palsy to promote infants'psychomotor development and maternal health;
Research on plasticity in adult brain through experimental studies carried out in a clinical environment and which concentrate in particular on visual properties.
MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY – study and validation of imaging biomarkers, imaging biobanks and artificial intelligence
In-silico tumour growth simulation to support cancer personalized diagnosis and prognosis;
Empowered by imaging biomarkers;
Non-invasive technology for dynamically mapping biochemical processes in the whole human body.
Flagship projects
Funding programme: H2020 - Health care provision and integrated care
As an infant is born, so is the relationship between the infant and his/her parents (especially mom). The baby is born together with the dyad. BORNTOGETTHERE aims to support and empower families of infants at neurodevelopmental risk, from being born together to being born to get “there”, to the full potential of the infant development and family harmony.
Funding programme: H2020 - Using in-silico medicine for improving disease management and prediction
PRIMAGE proposes a cloud-based platform to support decision making in the clinical management of malignant solid tumours, offering predictive tools to assist diagnosis, prognosis, therapies choice and treatment follow up, based on the use of novel imaging biomarkers, in-silico tumour growth simulation, advanced visualisation of predictions with weighted confidence scores and machine-learning based translation of this knowledge into predictors for the most relevant, disease-specific, Clinical End Points.