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Student insurance (accident)

All students enrolled at the University of Pisa, including exchange programme students, are covered by insurance.

The University of Pisa has activated an accident policy for students of the University. This is a broad insurance cover which, in addition to providing for basic guarantees, also covers the costs of treatment incurred for the treatment of the accident and a daily allowance in the event of hospitalization and immobilization of the limbs.

The policy was activated with the company Poste Assicura S.p.A. with the number 90104. Find out moreat this link

Who is insured?

Under this policy, the list of those covered is very broad, and includes: students, undergraduates, foreign exchange students, PhD students, research assistants, interns, postgraduates, specializing students, students with scholarships, master's students, those on traineeship courses, refresher courses and the like, representatives who carry out work for the benefit of disabled students, experts and visitors, and in any case all those engaged on behalf of or with the University of Pisa for an academic or research activity, at university facilities and at third party institutions.

For what, how and where are you insured?

Given that it is an accident policy, you are only covered for the following damages that result from an accident and thus, for example not those caused by illness.

Those who fall into the student category are automatically covered by insurance:

  • for all activities carried out in the university facilities;
  • for travel between the various university facilities;
  • for participating in sports activities organized by the University of Pisa or operated by the CUS (University Sports Centre), with the exclusion of certain types (boxing, weightlifting, wrestling in its various forms, hiking with rock or ice climbing, caving, ski jumping, waterskiing, acrobatic skiing, bobsledding, rugby, skydiving, paragliding and air sports in general);
  • for travel from home to the university facilities or to any other facilities open to students.

All other activities elsewhere (other universities, research organizations, companies etc., worldwide) are covered by insurance if:

  • carried out under the auspices of the University of Pisa;
  • authorized by an officer of the University of Pisa.

*in this case, it means the director of the department of reference, the president of the course of studies, and so on.

Guarantees and coverage

The basic guarantees are:

  • for death: 250,000.00 Euros (two hundred and fifty thousand euros)
  • for permanent disability: 250,000.00 Euros

In the reimbursement for permanent disability, an exemption system is included, which penalizes permanent damage of a lower ranked disability, but favours the most serious cases.

Some additional guarantees are also included:

  • Daily allowances for:
    • Hospitalization: 50,00 Euros a day (up to a maximum of 300 days);
    • Immobilization of one or more limbs: 50,00 euros a day (up to a maximum of 100 days).
  • Compensation for medical expenses with a maximum of 10,000.00 euros (ten thousand euros), which includes:
    • Hospitalization stays and fees;
    • Surgery and operation fees;
    • Use of the operating theatre, equipment, therapeutic, prosthetic and endoprosthetic appliances used during operations;
    • Examinations, laboratory and diagnostic tests;
    • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatments, baths, supplies and other necessary medical treatments;
    • Transport of the injured person to the hospital or clinic and safe return home by ambulance and/ or special rescue vehicles;
    • Medical and nursing services, medicines, blood, plasma, purchase and/ or rental of prosthetic and sanitary appliances and similar equipment.

In the event that a payment of a daily allowance is provided, this is only paid for any excess over the original compensation allowed for medical expenses.

In the event that the person insured is not considered treatable at the hospital nearest to where the accident happened, a reimbursement is included of up to 3,000.00 (three thousand) euros for the transfer fees to the hospital closest to the place of residence of the injured person.

What to do when there is an accident

If the accident happened in a scientific, educational or services building (department, interdepartmental centre, etc.) or while travelling to the said structures, the following original documents must be sent to:

David Arduini
Settore Economato e Servizi Generali
Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 - 56126 Pisa
(tel. 050 2212163 - e-mail:

  • copy of first aid medical certificate, or the equivalent;
  • description of the events, with the date, time and place of the accident indicated and the process of the event by filling out the form*;
  • information from any potential witness who was present at the accident;
  • entire contact information about where to access the company’s insurance information needed to deal with the accident;
  • If it is a sports injury, statement issued by CUS (e.g. arbitration report) which states that the activity carried out was amongst those organised by the University of Pisa or managed by CUS Pisa;
  • Any further documents that may be considered useful.
    • *A signature is essential for the authorization of the processing of personal data required for dealing with the accident.
    • If the accident happened outside of one of the structures previously mentioned, send the documentation listed above to:

Direzione Didattica e Servizi agli Studenti
Settore Studenti - Esami di stato e servizi esterni
Largo Pontecorvo, 3 - 56124 Pisa
(ala nord - sportello 8 - orario 9-12 dal lunedì al venerdì)
referente: sig.ra Antonella Mannucci
tel. 050 2213438-424 - fax 050 2213408 - e-mail:

The student must then follow the prescribed treatment and keep all receipts, invoices and anything else related to document the expenses incurred.

He/she will then receive from the insurance company the information and documentation to use for the processing and closure of the reimbursement procedure.

Ultima modifica: Mar 13 Feb 2024 - 13:41

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