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Health, Law and Development in the European Union

Unipi Team Leader: Valentina Calderai, Department of Law

«Health Law and Development in the European Union» (HeLDEn) builds on the JMO Module «European Health Law and Technology» (ELaTe), to bring into focus the complex relationship between technological advancement and social development in the health field. The integration of advanced technologies in European health systems demands new policies and governance frameworks to ripe the benefits of innovation while managing its risks. New health technologies must abide by the tenets of the European social model: universal access to healthcare, financial sustainability, protection of fundamental rights in all public health policies. But the implementation of these principles across the whole innovation cycle requires innovative educational practices and scientific habits, along with a common language. In both life sciences and legal studies, it is essential to convey a multilateral approach to teaching and research.

HeLDEn shall contribute to this effort with a wide range of activities. The Chair offers two M.Sc. courses, a research seminar series, several initiatives directed to SME (Open Training Days), policy makers and civil society organizations (Policy Dialogues), and the public (Open Talks). An international conference will mark the conclusion of the Action, with the aim to disseminate the results, set the agenda for future initiatives, and lay the ground for a Jean Monnet Center on European Health Law and Technology. These activities will be disseminated through a website and a YouTube channel, educational materials, a book, and a dedicated issue in an international OA journal.

The proposed Chair holder, V. Calderai, is Coordinator of the ELaTe JMO (2020-2023) and member of the Bioethics Committee at the HI. To add to the array of perspectives, personnel from six Departments at the HI are involved, along with renowned experts from academy, institutions, civil society, private sector, ensuring wide-ranging expertise and extensive networks for dissemination.

Start date: 01-10-2023

End date: 30-09-2026

EU Grant: 50.000 € 

Project website: 

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