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Circle U. 2030

Unipi Team Leader: Giovanni Federico Gronchi, Vice Rector for Cooperation and International Relations

Circle U. (CU) is an interdisciplinary alliance of nine like-minded, comprehensive and research-intensive universities. Through our Knowledge Hubs focusing on priority themes – climate, democracy and global health – we are providing outstanding education, research and innovation to contribute to more sustainable, democratic and healthier societies.In the pilot phase, we have established the essential conditions and infrastructure to fulfil our vision and mission. In the upcoming project, we will scale up our collaboration and develop new platforms and tools, using the full potential of digital and blended learning formats to foster the seamless mobility of an unprecedented number of students and staff across the alliance. CU is growing into a sustainable and inclusive European University. CU intends to scale up our commitment to inclusion by providing open educational opportunities accessible to students and learners from diverse backgrounds at every stage of their lives. International exchange and exposure, intercultural awareness and multilingualism are hallmarks of our educational initiatives, reflecting fundamental European values. Within our joint ecosystem, CU will provide trans- and interdisciplinary teaching and lifelong learning opportunities. We will co-develop several flagship initiatives such as Master’s and PhD joint programmes, joint courses, summer schools, challenge-based learning opportunities, micro-credentials and other open, short-term and blended activities. Through these opportunities, CU will expand collaboration with associated partners including R&I organisations, public authorities, hospitals, NGOs and thus support student innovation and entrepreneurship to develop solutions for pressing societal challenges. Together, we are building an inclusive, sustainable, open, interdisciplinary and research-based alliance that provides outstanding opportunities to empower students, staff and researchers to contribute to a more sustainable future.

Coordinator: Universitetet i Oslo (Norway)

Other participants:

Aarhus University (Denmark)
Univerzitet u Beogradu (Serbia)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
King's College London (United Kingdom)
UCLouvain (Belgium)
Université Paris Cité (France)
Università di Pisa
Universität Wien (Austria)

Start date: 01-11-2023

End date: 31-10-2027

EU Grant:  12.800.000,00 €


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Ultima modifica: Ven 22 Dic 2023 - 09:35

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