DATE is a leading European event and unique networking opportunity for designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors; as well as specialists in the hardware and software design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems.
The DATE 22nd Edition will run for five days from the 25th to 29th of March, 2019 in Florence, hosting both a spacious exhibition area and conference sessions.
See the programme here
On line the full program of two Career sessions
An High-Tech Careers Session organized by the Career Service at University of Pisa in collaboration with the HiPEAC Network ( will be held on Wednesday, March 27th, 2019, 15.00-18.30.
This session aims to bring together recruiters - mostly companies large and small, as well as universities and research centers - with potential jobseekers in the technology areas covered by DATE and HiPEAC, including:
• computer science and engineering students in their final year and graduates
• early career researchers
• PhD students attending the PhD forum or at the end of their PhDs
The progamme is tailored to the needs of the students/graduates and researchers. It includes:
• career insights and mentoring by the HiPEAC officer for recruitment activities and a careers advisor from staff member of Pisa University
• company pitches
• time for informal networking and interviews
For students/graduates, this session is an opportunity to:
• find out about different career paths within computer science and engineering high-end research and companies
• get advice on possible ways of progressing their careers
• learn about the main skills employers look for
• hear about most interesting vacancies and internship opportunities from companies and research centres
• take advantage of the best environment to share their CVs with company speakers or discuss opportunities on a one-to-one basis in an informal environment
• get free access to the rest of the DATE exhibition
How to attend
Student participation to the High-Tech Careers Session and DATE exhibition is free of charge but registration is necessary.
Registration to DATE Exhibition is possible on site.
Registration to High-Tech Careers Session is possible until 25th of March on the Career Center portal through which you can apply for interviews with recruiters.
For companies, this session provides an excellent opportunity to:
• get in contact with potential jobseekers specializing in the right areas for their business
• talk to jobseekers in an informal environment and collect their CVs
• promote their corporate brand as representing the best workplace, with most stimulating environment and interesting projects
How to attend
Interested companies have to contact DATE Exhibition Manager Kathleen Schäfer (email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo., Phone: +49 351 4842 964) and DATE Exhibition Chair Luca Fanucci (email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.) by email.