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Il 2025 inizia con tante opportunità internazionali offerte da Circle U.

Corsi online, webinar e possibilità di finanziamenti per studenti, ricercatori, docenti e staff

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Il 2024 sta per finire, ma l’anno nuovo inizia con tante opportunità internazionali offerte da Circle U., l’Alleanza Universitaria che riunisce 9 atenei europei in un unico campus con proposte e iniziative destinate a studenti, docenti, ricercatori e staff.

Qui di seguito sono pubblicate le ultimissime proposte, alcune con scadenze molto ravvicinate, ma interessanti per chi vuole fare un’esperienza internazionale... anche da casa.

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Corsi online per studenti e dottorandi


Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, and Participatory Project Design

Discover three transformative approaches to addressing complex problems and sparking innovation. Participants will gain essential skills to rethink complexity and develop creative, sustainable solutions.

  • Teaching: 21 January–24 February 2025
  • Location: Online
  • Level: MA and PhD
  • Application deadline: 19th January 2025

Visit I-Lab to register for the three webinars


Multilingualism Specialisation C – Language Policy in multilingual settings

Explore the evolution and impact of global language policies through case studies and key sociolinguistic concepts. Understand frameworks, implementation, and outcomes in multilingual contexts and institutions worldwide. Join us to analyze and shape language planning and policy!

  • Teaching: 4 February–13 May 2025
  • Location: Online
  • Level: MA students
  • ECTS: 10
  • Application deadline: 6th January 2025
  • Webpage: Multilingualism Specialisation C


Corporate Sustainability Law

This course introduces the new interdisciplinary concept of Corporate Sustainability Law, which identifies and analyses the multi-layered regulatory framework that intends to promote corporate sustainability.

  • Teaching: 24 February–7 March 2025
  • Location: Online
  • Level: BA students
  • ECTS: 10
  • Application deadline: 15th January 2025
  • Webpage: Corporate Sustainability Law


The Politics of Bureaucracy

The study of bureaucracy is the study of politics. You will be introduced to several interdisciplinary theories about the relationship between politics and administration and the importance of bureaucracy for democratic governance.

  • Teaching: 25 February–28 March 2025
  • Location: Online
  • Level: MA students in Political Science or related disciplines
  • ECTS: 5
  • Application deadline: 15th January 2025
  • Webpage: The Politics of Bureaucracy


A taste of Serbian

A series of workshops that will allow you to get a taste of Serbian language and culture, and take a virtual tour around Belgrade

  • Target group: BA, MA and PhD students
  • Date: January-February 2025
  • Format: Online Zoom
  • Registration: send an email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. before 10th January
  • Webpage: "A taste of Serbian" workshops - Circle U.



Opportunità per docenti e ricercatori


Open conversation:
Perspectives on Research and Mobility in Teacher Education?

This Open Conversation concludes the Circle U. Teacher Education Network's 2024 seed-funded project. Join to hear about their findings and recommendations, get insights from decision-makers and take part in a panel discussion on how to innovate teacher training across Circle U.!

  • Target: teacher educators and researchers
  • Date: 15th January, 2025 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
  • Format: Online
  • Register by email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • Registration deadline: 14th January 2025
  • Webpage: Open Conversation: Perspectives on Research and Mobility in Teacher Education - Circle U.



Opportunità di finanziamenti per studenti, ricercatori, docenti e staff


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

This funding opportunity invites students, administrative staff, and faculty members from Circle U. member institutions to develop innovative projects that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion within their academic environments.

  • Target audience: students, administrative staff, and faculty members
  • Maximum grant per project: €4,000
  • Funding duration: One year
  • Format: call for application
  • Application deadline: 28th February 2025
  • Webpage: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
  • ContactQuesto indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Circle U. Sandpits 2025

Sandpits are a fantastic opportunity for Circle U. researchers who are experts in their field, to develop research projects and scientific thinking through collaboration with peers from other disciplines. In 2025 the Sandpits will focus on developing inter- and transdisciplinary projects with Democracy as an overarching theme.

  • Target group: experienced researchers from partner universities that are members of Circle U.
  • Date: May 27th (first session) and September 9th to 11th (second sessions)
  • Deadline for applications: March 15th 2025
  • Format: first session online and second session in Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Registration here 
  • WebpageCircle U. Sandpits 2025


Circle U. Postdoc Mobility Programme

The postdoctoral mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers from Circle U. universities who wish to continue their scientific or academic career at another Circle U. university. The aim for the participants should be to prepare a joint research proposal.

  • 19 dicembre 2024

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