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Renewal of the Residence permit for non EU citizens

You must present the request for renewal at least 60 days before the expiration date of the permit.

Please note: Residence Permits for study reasons are renewed for students who in the first year of their degree programme pass a test (un esame) and in the following years pass at least two more tests (due esami). For serious health problems or natural disasters, duly documented, the residency permit can be renewed for students who have only passed one test, subject to the total number of renewals.

They cannot however be renewed for more than three years beyond the duration of the degree programme.

The Residence Permit may be further renewed in order to obtain a specialisation diploma or a PhD, for the entire duration of the degree programme, renewable for one year (art. 46, comma 4, D.P.R. 394/99).

Documents requested to apply for the study residency permit:

  1. Your passport;
  2. Residency permit (permesso di soggiorno) about to expire;
  3. Italian tax code (codice fiscale);
  4. A copy of your passport (just the pages with your personal data and the one with the Visa stamp);
  5. A special stamp (marca da bollo) which costs €16,00 (which you may buy at any Tobacco Shop);
  6. Enrollment Certificate at the University for the current academic year with the list of exams passed and the dates you passed the exams. You can find and print it by going on Alice web-site OR you can request it to the Students’ Office (Segreterie Studenti). The minimum to get the residence permit renewal is 1 exam in the first year and at least 2 in subsequent years. The residency permit cannot be renewed for more than three years beyond the duration of the degree programme unless the delay in the course of studies is due to serious and documented personal or family reasons. If you are a phd student enrolled to a Phd Course of ours, you have to enclose the enrollment certificate (without the exams list) by going on Alice web-site OR released to you by the Phd Office (Ufficio Dottorato), situated in Via Buonarroti 4;
  7. Health insurance coverage for the current year;
  8. Document which certifies having won a scholarship (if you have won a scholarship) or bank statement (proof) that you have enough means and financial resources during your stay in Italy. These should be not less than € 468,10 for every month of duration of the academic year and must be documented with remittances, bank deposits or other.
  9. Accommodation contract.

Please note: some of these documents must be enclosed with the Application Form (yellow kit/kit giallo) at the Post office.

Please note: Residency Permits for study reasons are renewed for students who in the first year of their degree programme pass a test (un esame) and in the following years pass at least two more tests (due esami). For serious health problems or natural disasters, duly documented, the residency permit can be renewed for students who have only passed one test, subject to the total number of renewals. They cannot however be renewed for more than three years beyond the duration of the degree programme.

The Residency Permit may be further renewed to obtain a specialisation diploma or a PhD, for the entire duration of the degree programme, renewable for one year (art. 46, comma 4, D.P.R. 394/99).

Please beware that, if you arrived in Italy with a study visa, you enrolled to an Italian University and you wish to do a RINUNCIA AGLI STUDI (renunciation to your studies), in order to enroll again to the same or other Italian university, you cannot use the study residency permit you already have and you must get a new study visa.

For all details about the renewal procedure, please see the enclosed file at the bottom of this page.

Information provided by: 

International Promotion Unit 
Piazza Torricelli, 4 56126 Pisa

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