Entry and residence rights for EU citizens

All EU citizens have the right to free movement, with entry and residence in Italy, for stays up to 3 months and it is not necessary to fulfill any formalities. However, EU citizens must have an identity document valid for travel abroad (according to the law of their nationality).

Stays longer than 3 months are regulated by the Legislative Decree n. 30 from 06.02.2007 (and related laws) and EU citizens must apply to be registered at the Vital Records office (ufficio Anagrafe) of the municipality of residence in Italy.

The Ufficio Anagrafe of the Town Hall (Comune) of Pisa is located in Via degli Uffizi, 1 (a side street near Corso Italia, parallel to Lungarno Gambacorti).

The information page for foreign citizens (immigration from another country) is: Variazioni di residenza / Servizi / Homepage - Comune di Pisa (available in Italian only).

The documentation required for an EU student (who is not employed) is:

  1. A copy of a valid ID for travel abroad (or passport), issued by the competent authorities of the country of which he or she is a citizen;
  2. Documentation confirming that the student is enroled at the University;
  3. Self-declaration of possession of sufficient resources so not to become a burden on the social assistance system of the Italian state, of at least equal to €468.10 per month, for each month of the duration of the academic year;
  4. Students who apply for registration in the category of temporary population will need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by the country of origin or a ‘EU community form’ called S1 certificate. (Info available in different languages at http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=559&langId=en page).

Warning: it is suggested that EU citizens, before arriving in Italy (for stays longer than 3 months), ask the insurance fund/health district's own country to issue the S1 certificate. After arriving in Pisa, the S1 certificate must be presented at the counters of the Health District at Via Garibaldi, 198, together with the tax code released by the Agenzia dell’Entrate of Pisa.

With possession of an EHIC card, S1 certificate, and tax code, the registration to the Italian Health Service is free and you are entitled to choose a general practitioner and basic services.

Registration for the Italian Health Service also facilitates the registration to the Vital Records office (Ufficio Anagrafe) at the Town Hall of Pisa, in the manner mentioned above.

Information provided by:

International Relations Office 
International Promotion Unit
Piazza Torricelli, 4 - 56126 Pisa

Ultima modifica: Ven 13 Dic 2024 - 11:21

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