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Tax code

What is it

It is a personal alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the subjects within the Italian State, as far as tax and administrative matters are concerned.

The tax code is one of the required documents to get the Residence Permit (Permesso di Soggiorno), to rent a room and open a bank account. Please note that the temporary tax code issued upon your registration on Alice web portal (the University of Pisa registration web portal) or Universitaly web portal is not considered as valid. 

How to get the Tax Code

You can apply for a tax code only after arriving in Italy.

It is necessary to book an in-person appointment at the following link: Agenzia delle Entrate - Prenotazione appuntamenti – you can choose the most convenient office to reach. The website is in Italian language only: please, follow the detailed instructions on how to book an appointment that you can find at the bottom of this page.

At the appointment, you must present:

Non-EU students with an Italian visa

  • Passport with a valid Italian entry visa stamped on it
  • Copy of the passport (only the pages with personal data) and the visa
  • AA4/8 form completed following the instructions at the bottom of this page

EU students

  • Identity card of your country or passport
  • AA4/8 form completed following the instructions at the bottom of this page

Non-EU students with a visa from an EU member state

  • Valid residence permit issued by the European country
  • Declaration of presence made at the Pisa Police Headquarters (to be requested within 8 days of entering Italy)
  • AA4/8 form completed following the instructions at the bottom of this page

It is recommended to have a document that certifies your status at the University of Pisa.

Attention: the only official tax code is the one issued by the Agenzia delle Entrate or by Italian Embassies. The tax code generated by ALICE is not official.


Info and contacts

Revenue Agency - Agenzia delle entrate - Via Matteucci, 34 Galleria G.B. Gerace, 7/15 (Centro Forum) - 56124 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 315471 e-mail Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

You can reach it by bus 1+

Opening hours: by appointment only



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