Net4UNIPI Call - Call for participation in European research networks

The Net4UNIPI - Call for participation in European research networks was issued via Rector's decree n. 199/2021 of 3/02/2021.

The Net4UNIPI call represents the latest addition to the existing set of incentive and support measures for European project planning instigated by governance in order to enhance the planning capacity and international competitiveness of our University.

Membership of and participation in European networks is to be considered a preparatory and relevant activity as it is common practice when defining the general lines and issues addressed by the European research programs and calls, including the research and innovation framework programs Horizon 2020 and its successor Horizon Europe, for the European Commission to consult the various stakeholder groups, formally grouped into thematic European networks, which have the right to provide their own considerations on the matter. The networks also constitute a privileged opportunity to establish new partnerships for participation in European or international calls for funding.

European networks are diverse, involving participants from the world of research (universities, research centres) to the business world (representatives of SMEs and industries). They are often formed as a direct result of a European Commission initiative and are also sometimes financed by it. Currently, public-private partnerships (PPPs) for research, whether contractual or ad-hoc , fall into this category, along with European technology and innovation platforms (ETPs and ETIPs), Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) and European Innovative Partnerships (EIPs ).In Horizon Europe (2021-2027) , the partnerships have been reduced in number (50 in total) and grouped into three types:

  1. Co-programmed European Partnerships;
  2. Co-funded European Partnerships using a program co-fund action;
  3. Institutionalized European Partnerships.

Information on the European networks belonged to by the University of Pisa is available at this link.



Through the Net4UNIPI call, the University of Pisa promotes and supports the participation of its research staff in European networks as a strategic activity that aims to:

  1. promote participation in working groups with the aim of increasing the production of impactful international publications;
  2. encourage the construction of supranational partnerships;
  3. increase the number of project proposals submitted to European research funding calls;
  4. consolidate its ability to contribute to the construction of European research programs.

The University's Research and Technology Transfer Services Department makes its active support available to network members in all phases of participation.



Professors and researchers (both permanent and fixed term) belonging to a University facility can apply to join a network.

An active presence within the network must be maintained. University support will continue on the condition that participation in the network gives rise to at least one publication (among those envisaged for the National Scientific Qualification - a form of assessment to determine candidate's suitability for taking up a university professor position) and / or at least one research project proposal submitted within the first two years.



For the first year, the University finances participation in each network for an amount equal to double the membership fee, to cover the cost of access, travel costs, board and lodging for participation in any network meetings and any other costs associated with joining the network.
For subsequent years, the University finances membership of each network for an amount equal to the membership fee.



Applications must be drawn up in accordance with Annex A_Application form which must be duly completed and sent to the Research Services Unit (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.).

The call remains open until December 31, 2021.




The Net4UNIPI call was announced for the first time in 2019 (Rector's Decree 835 of 20/05/2019) and issued again in 2020 (Rector's Decree no. 360/2020 of 20/02/2020). 2021 represents its third edition.

Ultima modifica: Gio 10 Giu 2021 - 08:05

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