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Self-Employment Visa for Visiting Fellow

The self-employment visa (visto per lavoro autonomo) allows a non-UE self-employed visiting fellow to enter and stay in Italy for a paid academic activity from the hosting University.

At the University of Pisa, for the first step, a non-EU visiting fellow has to apply to the Visiting Fellow Programme and contact the International Coordinator of the Department he/she chooses.

Regarding the visa procedure, the steps are the following:

  1. The Department of the University of Pisa will contact the local Governmental Office called Ufficio Territoriale del Lavoro (Labour Territorial Service) in order to present the contract between the hosting Department and the visiting fellow and to request the Certificate stating that the visiting fellow will not be employed as a subordinate worker.
  2. The Certificate released by the Labour Office is forwarded to the visiting Fellow (the Department will hold a copy of the Certificate).
  3. The Visiting Fellow (or his/her Proxy), enclosing the Certificate released by the Labor territorial office, applies for the authorization (nulla osta) issued by the competent Italian Questura (Police Headquarters) stating that the visiting fellow is allowed to enter to Italy. The proxy may be an Italian colleague or hosting Department staff. For information on how to carry out the proxy, we suggest you to contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your Country. In addition, the visiting fellow has to show that he/she has already booked an accommodation here in Pisa.
  4. After getting the authorization (nulla osta) from the Questura, the proxy will forward it to the visiting fellow who can finally apply for the specific Italian visa at the Italian Embassy/Consulate in his/her Country of residence, enclosing the Questura nulla osta. The specific self-employed Italian visa to apply for is called: "VISTO PER LAVORO AUTONOMO ai sensi dell’art. 27, comma 1, lett. c”.
  5. In case the Embassy releases a long stay visa, type D, at his/her arrival in Pisa, the visiting fellow will have to apply for the Italian residency permit within the first 8 days from his/her arrival.

Please bear in mind that, in order to have the visa, the visiting fellow (at the very least) will be required to demonstrate:

  1. That he/she has already booked an accommodation here in Pisa (minimum one month booking is necessary).
  2. A contract showing a yearly income higher than the minimum level provided by the Italian law for exemption from participation in medical and health public assistance (8.500 Euro).

For further info about the visa, please visit

The Italian Embassy will give you all further information and useful suggestions. The list of Italian Embassies/Consulates is available at this page.

Information provided by:

International Promotion Unit
Piazza Torricelli, 4 56126 Pisa


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