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Entry visa for scientific reasearch (Nulla osta)

Non-EU citizens residing abroad and wishing to carry out research projects in Italy for a period longer than 90 days need an Italian government authorization called the “research nulla osta”, which is the first step before applying for the research visa.

The administrative procedure for getting the research nulla osta can only be started by an Italian Research Center (e.g. a University or a similar Research Center) that has a previous agreement with the Italian Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR).

A foreign researcher or a private citizen cannot start the application by himself.

At the University of Pisa, for the first step, a non-EU researcher has to apply to the Visiting Fellow Programme and contact the International Coordinator of the Department he/she wishes to visit and carry out his/her research.

Regarding the nulla osta procedure, the steps are the following:

  1. Firstly, a "Hosting Agreement" (Convenzione d'Accoglienza) has to be signed between the foreign researcher and the Department at the University of Pisa, which will be hosting you. Therefore the Department will forward you the "Hosting Agreement", which you will have to sign (two copies) and send back to your host Department in Pisa.
  2. After receiving back the Hosting Agreement signed by you, the Department at the University of Pisa will formally apply for the Italian Governmental authorization called the "research nulla osta", which is the official document that will allow you to apply for the research visa. In order to proceed, you will have to show that you have already booked accommodation here in Pisa (at least one month booking is necessary).
  3. If the nulla osta application is accepted, the governmental office called Prefettura (Ufficio Unico) will release the research nulla osta to your host Department staff that, on their turn, will forward the nulla osta to you as well. In the meantime, the Prefettura will inform the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the Country where you reside too, for the next issuing of your research visa.
  4. At this point, after receiving the nulla osta by your Department staff, you are allowed to apply for the research visa (our Embassy will already know your name and details of the nulla osta).
  5. After getting the research visa, upon your arrival in Italy, you must apply for the research residency permit, within the first 8 days upon your arrival.
  6. Finally, after applying for the Italian residency permit (at the post office), while waiting for its release, you are allowed to start working.

Please note that at least one month may be necessary for the whole process.

For more information about the Research Visa, the European Euraxess web site may help you.

Information provided by:

International Promotion Unit
Piazza Torricelli, 4 56126 Pisa

Ultima modifica: Ven 24 Gen 2025 - 10:34

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