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Lunedì, 20 Giugno 2011 11:13

Two Mediterranean banks nearer to each other thanks to Pisa and Marrakesh

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a moment of the round tableIt was the first phase of a collaboration process between the University of Pisa and the Université Qadi Ayyad of Marrakesh which will give life to exchanges and knowledge 'transmission' within the Euro-Mediterranean scientific community. The round table: "Circulation of knowledge in the Mediterranean between past and present," whose protagonists were a delegation from Morocco ( and guests in the month of April at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy), launched a high level model of interaction between the northern and southern banks of the Mediterranean.

This project, unique in Italy and rare in Europe, will enable students, post-graduate research students and professors to spend periods and follow courses at the two universities while favouring research on a particular field in the two directions; and, above all, taking advantage of the complementary competence present in the two institutions.

The delegation from Morocco, led by the dean of the Faculté des Lettres dell'Université qadi Ayyad at Marrakesh , Ouidad Tebbaa , made up of professors Abdeljalil Hanouche, Abdelati Banouar and Thami Dardari , were received by the deputy chancellor Nicoletta De Francesco and vice chancellor for internationalisation, Alessandra Guidi. Since complementarity is particularly needed in the field of human sciences, the initiative has been taken up by the Faculty of Literature and strongly wished for by its dean, Alfonso Maurizio Iacono and by Gianfranco Fioravanti, director of the Inter-University centre 'Incontro di culture' (Meeting of Cultures)

Post-graduate research students from Marrakesh who wish to study Greek, Latin, Italian literature and philosophy, Pisa post-graduate research students who wish to study classical Arabic and its poetry and literature will be able to start an exchange program. However, the project will not stop here: common initiatives can also include the natural sciences, the social and juridical sciences and cultural tourism.

By re-tying together the paths of past knowledge circulation, the University of Pisa is today setting the stage for an organised project consisting not only of scientific knowledge to be shared – as already is happening thanks to numerous agreements among universities from Mediterranean countries – but also knowledge of the human sciences to be shared. Greek, Latin, classical Arabic lie alongside the natural and social sciences in the search for a communication process which more and more systematically integrates post-graduate researcher's acquisitions and teacher's experience.

Additional Info

  • titolo home: Collaboration between the Universities of Pisa and Marrakesh
  • abstract:

    Post-graduate research students from Marrakesh and Pisa post-graduate research students will be able to start an exchange program

  • datanews: 4 April 2011
  • sottotitolonews: A delegation from the Moroccan University was invited to a round table at the University library to discuss projects of cultural exchange
Read 11548 times Last modified on Lunedì, 20 Giugno 2011 14:11

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