Who is a Visiting Student?
A Visiting Student is a student/PhD student enrolled at an external University who has decided to complete a study period or an internship at a department within the University of Pisa (Unipi).
What is the duration of the Visiting Students' programme?
It can last from a minimum of 2 weeks to a maximum of 12 months.
How can you participate in the Visiting Students' programme?
Visiting Students can request to participate in a learning experience offered by Unipi or can be invited by a professor. In both cases, the procedure is subject to approval from the department board.
What is the application process if you submit a request?
Candidates are welcome to submit an application request at any given moment during the year by:
1. Filling in the application form (attachment A)
2. Attaching a curriculum vitae
3. Attaching a copy of an ID (a passport, in the case of a non-EU citizen)
4. The application has to be sent to the Cai (International Coordinator) of the Department you wish to study at in Pisa.
When sending in the application request, candidates must declare:
• The expected duration and dates of the visit to the department
• The title and a brief description of the activities
• The name of a representative who works in the host department.
What is the application process by invitation?
A Visiting Student can be invited at any moment of the year by:
• Full professors and Associate professors of the department
• Researchers with a permanent contract
• Researchers with a fixed-term contract (only if employed by the University of Pisa during the whole stay of the Visiting Student)
The professor who wishes to invite a Visiting Student must:
• Fill in the specific form (attachment B)
• Submit the curriculum vitae
• Submit a copy of the Visiting Student’s ID (a passport in the case of a non-EU citizen)
• State the expected duration and the study period at the department as well as the title and a brief description of the activity.
What is the admission process?
Once the International coordinator (CAI) of the host department has examined the application forms, they will forward it for final approval to the relevant department board.
The full description of the procedures that the Director of the department needs to follow can be found in the Italian version of the programme under the section “Comunicazione”.
What benefits is the Visiting Student entitled to?
The Visiting Student is authorised to use the study and research facilities of the department that comply with the University’s work and safety regulations. The Visiting Student will receive temporary credentials to access the University’s internet network as well as an email address, valid for the entire period at the department.
Italian language courses at the University Language Centre (CLI - Centro Linguistico Interdipartimentale)
According to the language courses planning provided by the University Language CLI, Visiting Students can have access to the CLI Italian Language courses at a special rate reserved for students of the University of Pisa as set out at the following link.
Entry and residency in Italy
In order to get an entry VISA, non-EU citizens firstly have to register and apply on the UNIVERSITALY Portal.
Register all requested data, select the option "visiting students and free mover" and upload in step C the Acceptance letter received from your Department Coordinator in Pisa and either the scholarship from your University/Government (if any).
Leave blank the tax code if you do not have it and the ID account at the chosen University.
Your application on Universitaly portal will be checked by the University of Pisa and then by the Italian Embassy/Consulate you indicated so you will be able to apply for the Italian Visa.
You will receive a notice by the Universitaly portal when we will validate your application and you will find the Summary in pdf of your application on the portal, by using your credentials.
Please print the Summary, as you need it when you will apply for the visa at our Embassy.
For general information about requesting an entry visa, please visit the related link.
For all details please contact the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your Country of residence.
Once you arrive in Italy, you must apply for the Residence Permit.
For a maximum stay of 90 days, please check the list of countries whose citizens are exempt from the visa requirement.
More details are available at this page.
For further information about the Visiting Students' programme, applicants can consult the International coordinator (CAI) of the host Department.