Intel IoT Functional Safety Day
Incontro alla Scuola di Ingegneria
Il 25 luglio, nell'Aula Pacinotti della Scuola di Ingegneria, si tiene il convegno "Intel IoT Functional Safety Day. Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Things".
In safety-critical contexts a fault could jeopardizxe the human life.That’s why Functional Security is a central topic at INTEL, and it is among the most important challenges for the future of the Internet of Things.
Chairman: Prof. S. Saponara
9.00 Welcome and Introduction
Prof. F. Marcelloni, Rector Delegate for Internationalization, Univ. of Pisa
Prof. A. Landi, Dean of the School of Egineering, Univ. of Pisa
9.45 Dr. R. Mariani, Functional Safety for a connected and automated world
10.15 Dr. M. Schaecher, Intel at a glance
10.45 Coffee Break
11.15 Dr. M. Chiavacci, Intel Italy
11.45 Dr. G. Sartori, FuSa: how to apply to real life
12.15 Dr. M. Salardi, IoT Applications: Industrial and Retail
12.45 Workshop Closing Remarks
13.00 Lunch