Queer transnationalities. Towards a History of LGBTQ+ Rights in the Post-Soviet Space
Presentazione del volume di Elena Dundovich e Simone A. Bellezza
Mercoledì 14 giugno, alle ore 16, alla Gipsoteca di arte antica si tiene la presentazione del volume "Queer transnationalities. Towards a History of LGBTQ+ Rights in the Post-Soviet Space", curato dalla Presidente del CUG, Elena Dundovich, e Simone A. Bellezza.
Enrica Asquar e Anna Loretoni ne discuteranno con gli autori.
Quarta di copertina
With the end of Soviet persecutions in 1991, LGBTQ+ communities have experienced a period of development even though post-Soviet societies have only partially shown greater tolerance toward sexual and gender minorities.
The transnational interaction between Western activism and post-Soviet communities has led to the emergence of new feelings of gender, sexual, and national belonging. This volume presents research by experts in queer studies who study how the struggle for sexual and gender minority rights has intersected with the construction of political, social, and cultural belongings over the past three decades