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Single courses for asylum seekers

Asylum seeker student who is at least twenty years old and is interested, for cultural reasons or for scientific updating, to attend training activities at the University of Pisa, can enroll in single teaching courses, activated in the context of bachelor’s and master’s degree courses through an ad hoc procedure.

In particular, the student is:

  • exempt from paying the tuition fees and have to pay only a 16 euro stamp duty;
  • can exceed the maximum annual credit limit (25 CFU) provided for by the University Didactic Regulations;
  • can take the exams even after 12 months from the submission of the request.


General Info

If the chosen course is included in a program with limited access, the request is submitted to the opinion of the competent academic body: in the event of the denial of the request, the virtual stamp duty is not refunded.

There is no deadline for registering for single courses.

The student can use the credits acquired to achieve subsequent qualifications.

Enrollment is not allowed for a partial number of credits with respect to the one provided in the training offer for each individual activity.

The exams must be selected from those offered by the University of Pisa in the same academic year as the enrollment.



The registration procedure is online through the Alice portal: a guide is available with all the operational steps.

Before starting the web procedure you need to prepare:

  1. a copy of a two-sided identity document in .pdf, .jpeg or .jpg format
  2. a passport-sized photo of your face (dimensions at least 480x480 pixels - min 200dpi).
    The image will be used for the Student Card and used for recognition during exams. The allowed formats are .jpeg and .jpg and the file size must not exceed 3 megabytes. The photo must only show your face against a light background, group photos or photos in which other people are present, panoramic photos, photos taken from a distance, from behind or photos in which your face is not entirely visible (for example due to scarves, hats, dark glasses) are not permitted. Drawings or caricatures, or photos of other people, should also not be used. The photo should not be rotated, nor too dark.
  3. the enrolment form for individual courses (completed and signed) 
  4. the residence permit, receipt of application or other documentation certifying the regularization of your presence in the national territory in accordance with the national provisions in force.

Unsuitable images or documents will be discarded and it will not be possible to complete the enrolment (and the student will be notified by e-mail).

For exemption from payment, the student must indicate this by writing an e-mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. and Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

After completing the registration, a confirmation e-mail will be sent.


Student Card

By enrolling in individual courses, you can take advantage of all the services that the University makes available to students, among those institutional email address and University wifi connection, including the issuing of the Student Card, a card with a photo and matriculation number.

The card, equipped with RFID and a magnetic stripe, can be used to access all university services, including the dining halls present in the various universities managed by ARDSU Toscana. The student card also has an 'electronic purse' function.

The card can be used in Tuscan university canteens from the day after it has been issued.

All information regarding the rates applied and the request for rate reduction can be consulted on the dedicated page.

The Student Card allows those who attend one of the Universities in Tuscany (University of Pisa, University of Florence, University of Siena and University for Foreigners of Siena) to access all the services of the Right to Study, regardless of the university in which they are enrolled.

Procedure for issuing


For more information

Ufficio per le Relazioni Internazionali
Unità cooperazione internazionale
Piazza Torricelli, 4 - 56126 Pisa
Dott. ssa Francesca Bianchini
tel. +39 050 2212276
e-mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Ultima modifica: Mar 07 Mag 2024 - 11:05

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