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Research projects

The University boasts excellent results from internationally and nationally funded projects thanks to the quality of its researchers and a series of targeted initiatives to support project planning.


The University of Pisa has participated in 206 European projects under Horizon 2020 and other European programs (during the last European program cycle, i.e., from 2014 to 2020), involving total funding of €68.3m. It has coordinated 51 European projects, involving total funding of €30.3m.


The numerous outstanding ventures include 9 projects funded by the European Research Council from 2014 to 2020 in the following disciplines: humanities, medicine, physics and mathematics, chemistry and information engineering.


Nationally, in the period 2017-2020 the University received almost €42.3m in funding for a total of 377 projects.


The largest contribution comes from the Ministry of Universities and Research, totalling €13m, with further funding from other Ministries.


The University of Pisa is also a driver of innovation with strong ties to local industry, as evidenced by the numerous research and development projects financed by the Region of Tuscany, providing around €19.3m for 138 projects.


The University of Pisa has also been awarded funding for research activities by other institutions of national importance, such as the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research, and by foundations aimed at developing further areas of competence, such as the Pisa Foundation and the Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Foundation.


More information on the various projects, ranging from frontier research and technological development to the enhancement of research results and the development of innovation:

Information regarding the various winning projects of Horizon 2020 calls and more

Information regarding the various winning projects of calls financed by Italian institutions, both public and private

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