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L’Università di Pisa, d'intesa con la Fondazione ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation), bandisce un concorso per l’attribuzione di 15 borse per periodi di studio e ricerca in Nord America rivolte a studenti iscritti a un Corso di Laurea Magistrale, Magistrale a Ciclo Unico o Dottorato di Ricerca dell’Università di Pisa.

Tali borse si inseriscono nell’ambito dell’accordo tra l’Università di Pisa e la Fondazione ISSNAF.
I borsisti saranno inseriti in gruppi di ricerca di prestigiose Istituzioni Nord americane, previa valutazione di corrispondenza tra il profilo del borsista selezionato, il suo progetto e l’attività di ricerca del gruppo.

Gli studenti interessati potranno presentare domanda dal 2 novembre al 2 dicembre 2022.

Leggi i dettagli sul bando

Zerynth, spin-off dell’Università di Pisa che supporta le aziende nella digitalizzazione dei processi produttivi attraverso soluzioni di Industrial IoT, ha ottenuto da United Ventures, gestore italiano di Venture Capital specializzato in investimenti in startup tecnologiche, un aumento di capitale di 5,3 milioni di euro. Dopo aver raccolto 2 milioni di euro nel 2020 dal fondo Vertis Venture 3 Tech Transfer, Zerynth porta a 7,3 milioni di euro il totale del capitale raccolto e da S.r.l. diventa S.p.A.

“Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare questo investimento, tra i più grandi in Italia in ambito industriale IoT. È un grande riconoscimento del lavoro fatto in questi anni: con le nostre soluzioni abbiamo permesso ad ogni macchinario – vecchio e nuovo, professionale e industriale – di ‘parlare’ la lingua dell’Industria 4.0 e del management, evidenziando gli obiettivi che si possono raggiungere con le nostre soluzioni”, sottolinea Gabriele Montelisciani, CEO di Zerynth. “Da sempre la nostra sfida è rendere accessibile l’Internet of Things e l’Intelligenza Artificiale alle PMI, per far sì che possano affrontare il mercato in maniera competitiva, migliorando sia l’efficienza dei processi aziendali che la sostenibilità ambientale grazie ai nuovi modelli di business abilitati dalle tecnologie IoT, AI e dalla digitalizzazione”.

“Il finanziamento acquisito da Zerynth è un riconoscimento per le loro soluzioni IoT ed è per noi un vanto che conferma ancora una volta la qualità e il valore che l’Università di Pisa produce sul territorio, non solo in termini socio-economici, ma anche culturali – commenta il professor Corrado Priami, delegato per la valorizzazione della ricerca e per le nuove iniziative imprenditoriali dell’Università di Pisa – La maggioranza del personale di Zerynth si è formato nel nostro Ateneo dimostrando che la preparazione e il supporto al trasferimento tecnologico fornito dall’Università di Pisa sono di primissimo livello. Complimenti a tutta la squadra di Zerynth e un augurio per molti altri successi”.

L’aumento di capitale servirà a supportare per il prossimo triennio il processo di espansione nazionale e internazionale della società. Le risorse saranno inoltre investite per assumere nuovi talenti e rafforzare il team, così da sostenere lo sviluppo e il potenziamento del prodotto, anche attraverso l’introduzione di nuove funzionalità e l’ampliamento del set di app Industrial IoT sfruttando le opportunità delle tecnologie IoT e AI; infine parte delle risorse saranno dedicate a realizzare nuove partnership strategiche con i principali player in ambito industriale.

Fondata nel 2015 da un team nato nei laboratori dell’Università di Pisa e costituito da Gabriele Montelisciani, Giacomo Baldi, Daniele Mazzei e Gualtiero Fantoni, Zerynth supporta le aziende nella digitalizzazione dei processi produttivi. Attraverso i propri dispositivi IoT plug-and play e la propria piattaforma abilita qualsiasi macchinario all’industria 4.0. La tecnologia IoT brevettata di Zerynth è di facile implementazione, scalabile e flessibile e consente di acquisire dati da macchinari di vecchia e nuova generazione, monitorare in tempo reale la produzione, misurare i consumi energetici, prevedere malfunzionamenti, ottenere notifiche in tempo reale: in tal modo, permette una riduzione dei costi energetici fino al 40%, una diminuzione dei tempi di downtime fino al 70% e un abbattimento dei costi di manutenzione fino al 30%.

Zerynth, che ha sede a Pisa ma che rafforza la propria presenza anche in progetti internazionali, conta oggi un team di oltre 35 persone, con una profonda esperienza in ambito IoT, ed oltre 100 aziende clienti in tutti i settori industriali dalla manifattura all’agricoltura, dall’energia alla logistica.

All’aumento di capitale, che si attesta come tra i più grandi round in Italia in ambito Industrial IoT, ha preso parte anche un pool di selezionati investitori e business angels italiani e internazionali, tra cui Vertis SGR con Venture Factory tramite il Fondo VV3TT, LIFTT e CDP Venture Capital con il Comparto IndustryTech del Fondo Corporate Partners.

Zerynth, spin-off dell’Università di Pisa che supporta le aziende nella digitalizzazione dei processi produttivi attraverso soluzioni di Industrial IoT, ha ottenuto da United Ventures, gestore italiano di Venture Capital specializzato in investimenti in startup tecnologiche, un aumento di capitale di 5,3 milioni di euro. Dopo aver raccolto 2 milioni di euro nel 2020 dal fondo Vertis Venture 3 Tech Transfer, Zerynth porta a 7,3 milioni di euro il totale del capitale raccolto e da S.r.l. diventa S.p.A.

Nella foto, tre dei fondatori di Zerynth, da sinistra: Giacomo Baldi, Daniele Mazzei, Gabriele Montelisciani.

“Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare questo investimento, tra i più grandi in Italia in ambito industriale IoT. È un grande riconoscimento del lavoro fatto in questi anni: con le nostre soluzioni abbiamo permesso ad ogni macchinario – vecchio e nuovo, professionale e industriale – di ‘parlare’ la lingua dell’Industria 4.0 e del management, evidenziando gli obiettivi che si possono raggiungere con le nostre soluzioni”, sottolinea Gabriele Montelisciani, CEO di Zerynth. “Da sempre la nostra sfida è rendere accessibile l’Internet of Things e l’Intelligenza Artificiale alle PMI, per far sì che possano affrontare il mercato in maniera competitiva, migliorando sia l’efficienza dei processi aziendali che la sostenibilità ambientale grazie ai nuovi modelli di business abilitati dalle tecnologie IoT, AI e dalla digitalizzazione”.

“Il finanziamento acquisito da Zerynth è un riconoscimento per le loro soluzioni IoT ed è per noi un vanto che conferma ancora una volta la qualità e il valore che l’Università di Pisa produce sul territorio, non solo in termini socio-economici, ma anche culturali – commenta il professor Corrado Priami, delegato per la valorizzazione della ricerca e per le nuove iniziative imprenditoriali dell’Università di Pisa – La maggioranza del personale di Zerynth si è formato nel nostro Ateneo dimostrando che la preparazione e il supporto al trasferimento tecnologico fornito dall’Università di Pisa sono di primissimo livello. Complimenti a tutta la squadra di Zerynth e un augurio per molti altri successi”.


L’aumento di capitale servirà a supportare per il prossimo triennio il processo di espansione nazionale e internazionale della società. Le risorse saranno inoltre investite per assumere nuovi talenti e rafforzare il team, così da sostenere lo sviluppo e il potenziamento del prodotto, anche attraverso l’introduzione di nuove funzionalità e l’ampliamento del set di app Industrial IoT sfruttando le opportunità delle tecnologie IoT e AI; infine parte delle risorse saranno dedicate a realizzare nuove partnership strategiche con i principali player in ambito industriale.

Fondata nel 2015 da un team nato nei laboratori dell’Università di Pisa e costituito da Gabriele Montelisciani, Giacomo Baldi, Daniele Mazzei e Gualtiero Fantoni, Zerynth supporta le aziende nella digitalizzazione dei processi produttivi. Attraverso i propri dispositivi IoT plug-and play e la propria piattaforma abilita qualsiasi macchinario all’industria 4.0. La tecnologia IoT brevettata di Zerynth è di facile implementazione, scalabile e flessibile e consente di acquisire dati da macchinari di vecchia e nuova generazione, monitorare in tempo reale la produzione, misurare i consumi energetici, prevedere malfunzionamenti, ottenere notifiche in tempo reale: in tal modo, permette una riduzione dei costi energetici fino al 40%, una diminuzione dei tempi di downtime fino al 70% e un abbattimento dei costi di manutenzione fino al 30%.


Zerynth, che ha sede a Pisa ma che rafforza la propria presenza anche in progetti internazionali, conta oggi un team di oltre 35 persone, con una profonda esperienza in ambito IoT, ed oltre 100 aziende clienti in tutti i settori industriali dalla manifattura all’agricoltura, dall’energia alla logistica.

All’aumento di capitale, che si attesta come tra i più grandi round in Italia in ambito Industrial IoT, ha preso parte anche un pool di selezionati investitori e business angels italiani e internazionali, tra cui Vertis SGR con Venture Factory tramite il Fondo VV3TT, LIFTT e CDP Venture Capital con il Comparto IndustryTech del Fondo Corporate Partners.

Professor of Information Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering
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Giuseppe Anastasi

Giuseppe Anastasi was born in Marsala on 26 August 1963, graduated in Electrical Engineering (specializing in Calculators) with honors at the University of Pisa in 1990 and obtained the PhD in Electrical, Information and telecommunications Engineering in 1995.
In 1992 he became research fellow, in 2001 associate professor and in 2011 full professor in Information processing systems (scientific area ING-INF/05) at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa.

Institutional roles

Professor Anastasi was Head of Department of Information Engineering from 2016 to 2020. In November 2022 he was appointed Executive Director of the CrossLab for Industries 4.0, consisting of combined interdisciplinary labs open to companies, funded by the Ministry for University and Research within the framework of the “Departments of Excellence 2018-22” and activated at the Technology Centre in Navacchio.
He previously was director of the Second level Master in Smart Cities (2013-14) and director of the National Lab on Smart Cities & Communities of the CINI (Consorzio Inter-universitario Nazionale per l’Informatica, 2015-18).

Scientific and teaching activities

His teaching activity includes computer networks (Degree programme in Information Engineering) and Internet of Things (Second cycle Degree programme in Computer Engineering e in Artificial Intelligence & Data Engineering) and Systems & Languages for Informatics (Second cycle Degree programme in Cybersecurity).
His research activities deal with computer networks and distributed IT systems with particular focus on Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud/Edge Computing, Cybersecurity in IoT, Smart Environments (Smart Cities, Smart Industries, Smart Buildings), sustainable ICT and ICT for sustainability.
Professor Anastasi is member of the IEEE Computer Society. He was involved, even as coordinator, in many national and international projects funded by public and private bodies. He was member of the Editorial board of several scientific journals and promoter of many international meetings. He carried out revision activity of project proposals for national and international bodies.
His research activities have resulted in more than 160 papers on peer review qualified scientific journals and proceedings in international meetings, and 2 miscellaneous volumes reaching more than 6000 citations with h-index of 37 (Scopus 2022)


Professor of Christian and Medieval Archeology at the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge
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Federico Cantini

Born in Empoli (FI) in 1973, and married with two children, Federico Cantini graduated in Medieval Archeology at the University of Siena in 1999 and obtained the PhD in Medieval Archeology in 2003. He awarded scholarships and research grants until 2009.
He became a research fellow at the University of Pisa in 2009 then associate professor in 2014 and in 2018 full professor of Christian and Medieval Archeology (Scientific area L-ANT/08) at the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge.

Institutional assignments

Professor Cantini had several institutional roles at the University of Pisa: he was Deputy Head of the Degree programme in Cultural Heritage Sciences and member of the scientific Committee for Sciences of Antiquity, Philology, Literature, and Art History from 2013 to 2014. He had the responsibility for quality of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge from 2013 to 2020. He was member of the Department Board in 2016 and president of the Communication Committee of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge from 2018 to 2020. He took part to the Medieval Area Committee for the Excellence project of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of knowledge from 2018 to 2022. He is president of the Specialization School in Archeological Heritage of the University of Pisa since 2019.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Cantini has continuously taught Medieval Archeology in the degree programmes in Cultural Heritage Sciences, Archeology and in the Specialization School in Archeological Heritage.
In 2001 he was awarded with the Ottone D’Assia prize for the best early work of Medieval Archeology by the SAMI (Società degli Archeologi Medievalisti Italiani). In 2011 he won the “Premio Giovani Ricercatori” (young researcher prize) assigned by the Academic Senate of the University of Pisa.
His main research activities include the following topics: Settlements and economy in Italy in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages; religious structures and burial areas; pottery in Late Antiquity and Middle Ages. He directed archeological excavations in rural and urban contexts in Tuscany and Sicily.
Professor Cantini is member of several scientific centres and societies and President of the Council for post-classical archaeologies. He was responsible of research projects funded by the Ministry of University and Research and by the University of Pisa. He was reviewer for several scientific journals and for the Ministry of University and Research. He is member of the Editorial board of several scientific journals.
His research activities have produced more than 140 papers on peer reviewed scientific journals, proceedings in national and international meetings, and monographs.

Professor of Economics and Rural Appraisal at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences
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Alessio Cavicchi

Born in Montale (Pistoia) in 1976 and married with two children, Alessio Cavicchi graduated in Economics at the University of Florence and obtained the PhD in Environmental and Food resources at the Parthenope University of Naples and a Master of Science in Food Economics and Marketing at the University of Reading (UK).

In 2006 he became Researcher at the University of Macerata where he subsequently became associate professor and full professor at the Department of Economic development and at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism. He started working at the University of Pisa in September 2021.

He was invited as speaker and external expert by the World Tourism Organization and the European Commission (specifically Joint Research Center, DG Regio, DG Education and Culture, DG Agri e DG RTD) on topics concerning innovation of agri-food and rural areas and the collaboration between universities and territorial stakeholders.

Since 2017 he is an external expert at the Directorate General of the Ministry of University and Research giving his contribute to the PON Research and Innovation, to the National Research Program and to the PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area).

In 2018 he joined the Expert team of DG Education and Culture for the project Heinnovate on Entrepreneurial e Civic Universities.

In 2022 he has become member of the Advisory Board of the Joint Research Center of the European Commission for the initiative “Higher Education and Smart Specialisation”.

Institutional assignments

At the University of Macerata he founded and co-directed two double-degree programs in Tourism with the University of Oviedo and the University of Kiev. He was delegate for the Erasmus and internationalization program of his department and Rector’s Delegate for the Cluster Agrifood of Marche region. He founded the first university spin-off on territorial promotion and development and was member of several committees on education, research and third mission activities.

At the University of Pisa since 2021 he has been in the team PAGE (Pisa Agricultural Economics) at the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences. He was an external evaluator for the Spin off Committee of the University of Pisa on economics topics and organized two Hackathons on sustainability for the Contamination Lab. For the University of Pisa he coordinates the project Start for Future funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) on entrepreneurial education and business models innovation.

Scientific and teaching activities

His research activity focuses on the analysis of consumers’ choice on local and quality products, of sustainable tourism and of innovation processes in the agri-food sector and in rural areas.

He published more than 200 papers and chapters on national and international journals and books. He is co-editor of the Book Series “Consumer Science and Strategic Marketing” published by Elsevier, Managing editor of the journal “International Food and Agribusiness Management Review”, Associate Editor of “Economia Agroalimentare – Food Economy”.  

He was coordinator and partner of several European projects Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances and Strategic Partnerships on the collaboration between universities, business and territory.

He teaches Innovation and management of agri-food companies in the degree programme in Agricultural Sciences of the University of Pisa and in the inter-university degree programme in Sustainable Innovation in Viticulture and Enology (with the University of Florence) and in Agribusiness (with the University of Siena).

He coordinates the MOOC “Sustainable Food Systems: a Mediterranean Perspective” offered by SDG Academy – Sustainable Development Solutions Network of the United Nations.

He is facilitator for the Società Italiana di Economia Agraria (SIDEA) on the thematic group on “Business, Entrepreneurship, Innovation”.

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:53

Giuseppe D’Onza - Delegate for finance policies

Professor of business studies at the Department of Economics and Management
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Giuseppe D’Onza was born in Potenza on 14 October 1976. He is married with a daughter. He graduated in Business studies at the University of Pisa in 2000. He obtained the PhD in business studies in 2004 spending a research period at the Cass Business School of London.

In 2006 he became research fellow at the Faculty of Economics, in 2011 associate professor and in 2016 full professor in the scientific area Business studies (SECS P/07) of the University of Pisa.

Institutional roles

Professor D’Onza had several institutional roles at the University of Pisa: from 2014 to 2016 he was director of the Second cycle Degree programme in Strategy, management and control; from 2017 to 2018 he was coordinator of the PhD programme in Business studies established by the University of Pisa, Florence and Siena; since 2007 he has been scientific director of the Master in Auditing and internal Control and in 2021 he was appointed department reference person for VQR 2015-2019.

He was member of the board of directors of the University Consortium in Engineering for quality and innovation from 2016 to 2022.

Scientific and teaching activities

Giuseppe D’Onza teaches Business studies I, Auditing, Auditing and Management Control (in English language) and Risk Management at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pisa.

His main research areas are risk management, internal auditing, audit and management.

Professor D’Onza is Associate Editor of the Managerial Auditing Journal and the Italian journal Management Control. He is reviewer for several scientific journals on business studies. He was coordinator of several research projects funded by the University of Pisa and private bodies. He is co-founder and member of the scientific committee of the European Conference in Internal Auditing and Corporate Governance.

He published many scientific papers on peer reviewed international journals and several book chapters.

Professor of Electronics, Department of Information Engineering
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Luca Fanucci

Born in Montecatini Terme (Pistoia) in 1965, married with one child, Luca Fanucci graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1992 where he obtained his PhD in Information Engineering in 1996.

From 1992 to 1996, he carried out his research activities at the Department of Electrical Systems of the European Space Research and Technology Centre of the European Space Agency based in Noordwijk, Holland.

From 1996 to 2004, he was a researcher for the National Research Council at the Centre for Radio Transmission in Pisa.

Since 2004, he has taught Electronics at the Department of Information Engineering, first as an associate professor and then as a full professor.

Institutional assignments

From January 2016 to October 2022, he was Rector’s Delegate for the Integration of Students and Staff with Disabilities and SLD, first for the Rector Prof. Massimo Augello and then for the Rector Prof. Paolo Maria Mancarella.

In January 2022, he was elected member of the Board of Directors of the National Conference of University Delegates for Disability (CNUDD).

Since 2007 he has been a member of the Teaching Board for the PhD programme in Computer Engineering of the University of Pisa and since 2018 he has been elected as a member of the same PhD Council.

From 2013 to 2021 he was the director of the National Laboratory AsTech (Assistive Technologies) of the National Inter University Consortium for Information Technology (CINI).

Scientific  and teaching activities

Professor Fanucci has taught in the field of microelectronic system design for the Master’s Degree Programmes in Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering. He has taught in the field of inclusive teaching technologies for the Master’s Degree Programmes in Primary Education Sciences and for the Specialization school programme in teaching support activities for students with disabilities.

His main research activities focus on design technologies for integrated circuits and embedded systems, and especially on system-level design, hardware and software co-design, low power consumption. The main application areas are telecommunications, earth and space vehicles, medical systems and technological aids for disabled and elderly people.

He was the principal investigator for several regional and national projects financed on a competitive basis by the Tuscan Region, the Ministry for Research and Education, the National Research Council and the National Institute of Nuclear Physics. He was also the head scientist in numerous European Union projects on research and development platforms such as FP6, FP7, AAL, ARTEMISIA, ENIAC and H2020.

His scientific activities have resulted in more than 400 publications on peer-reviewed journals and conferences, as well as two books, several book chapters and 40 national and international patents with more than 5,000 citations and an H-index of 34 (Google Scholar 2022)

He has served on numerous technical committees at international conferences in the field of electronic system design. In particular, he was Program Chair of the DSD 2008 and DATE 2014 international conferences, as well as General Chair of the DATE 2016, HiPEAC 2020 and Spacewire & SpaceFibre 2022 international conferences.

From 2018 to 2021 he was Vice-President in the conference for IEEE CEDA(Council on Electronic Design Automation). In 2019 he was acknowledged as an IEEE Fellow for his contributions in integrated electronic system design.

He is the Associate Editor of the IOS Press Technology and Disability journal. He was Associate Editor of the Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems journal (2008-2017) and the IET Computers & Digital Techniques journal (2014-2017).

He directs, along with Prof. Alessandra Lischi, the scientific collection “Progetti di Vita: Storie di studenti con disabilità”, published by Pisa University Press.

Professor Fanucci contributed to the establishment and development of several entrepreneurial entities in the microelectronics field in the area of Pisa, and especially, in May 2014 he co-founded the company Ingeniars, a spin-off from the University of Pisa, which specializes in the design and production of advanced products for high-speed satellite-borne communications and telemedicine systems.

Full professor of "Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering" at the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering
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Chiara Galletti

Chiara Galletti was born in Arezzo in 1975. She is married with three children. She graduated with honors in Chemical Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2001 and obtained the Ph.D. in Chemical and Material Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2005. She was Visiting Research Associate at the King’s College London from 2002 to 2005 and Visiting Scholar at the University of California, San Diego, in 2012.

In 2005 she became researcher at the University of Pisa and in 2008 assistant professor. In 2016 she became associate professor in “Chemical Plants” (ING-IND/25 academic discipline) and in 2023 full professor in “Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering” (ING-IND/24 academic discipline)..

Institutional assignments

Professor Galletti is a member of the board of the Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering and referent for Job placement. She is also a member of the School of Engineering and responsible for the laboratory of “Computational Fluid Dynamics for reactive and multiphase flows”.

Scientific and teaching activities

Her Teaching activity is mainly in the degree programs of Chemical Engineering and Energy Engineering and is focused on the following topics: Computational Fluid Dynamics, chemical reaction engineering, formation and control of pollutants in combustion and process intensification. She is the supervisor of more than 110 M.Sc. theses in chemical, energy and aerospace engineering and of  11 Ph.D. theses.

Her research activity focuses on the fluid dynamics of systems encountered in the process and energy industries and aims at their design and optimization through computational fluid dynamics and/or experimental techniques. The research topics concern innovative combustion technologies for the ecological transition using sustainable fuels with specific attention to hard-to-abate industrial sectors, and process intensification through flow reactors, also of the microfluidic type. She was the principal investigator of a university project, responsible for activities in some regional projects, national projects and two European projects. She is also scientific responsible for collaborations with leading companies in the process and energy industries.

She is the author of more than 90 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals with more than 2500 citations and H-index of  31 (updated to 2024).

Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Pharmacy
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Marco Macchia

Marco Macchia graduated with honors in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Pisa in 1991, after working and thesis development in England at the multinational pharmaceutical company SmithKline Beecham (now GlaxoSmithKline). He then received his PhD in "Chimica del Farmaco"(Pharmaceutical Chemistry) and has been a Full Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy since 2001.

He was honoured with the Ordine del Cherubino in 2022.

Institutional assignments

From 2002 to 2009 he was the Director of the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Socio-Environmental Analytical Toxicology, from 2012 to 2018 the Director of the Master's Degree Programme in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, from 2007 to 2012 the Deputy Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and from 2013 to 2018 the Deputy Director of the Interdepartmental Research Centre "Nutraceuticals and Food for Health - NUTRAFOOD" at the University of Pisa. He also promoted and directed the second-level university postgraduate programmes in "Pharmacy System" (a.y. 2006-2007) and in "Regulatory Activities: Medicines, Health Products, Advanced Therapies, REACH" (a.y. 2009-2010).

Since 2017 he is the Director of the European School of Medicinal Chemistry (ESMEC) for European PhD students and junior researcher in the field of pharmaceutical chemistry.

He has been a member of the FIGC Federal Anti-Doping Commission since 2021, and from 2017 to 2018 he was a member of the Technical Health Committee of the Ministry of Health - Section for the Supervision and Control of Doping and the Protection of Health in Sports Activities.

Since 2022 he has been a member of the experts’ board for the development of quality and safety nutrition initiatives, established at the Ministry of Health

Throughout his career, he has always fostered the relationships between the University, other institutions and the working world; since 2011 he has been a member of the Steering Committee of the Tuscan Life Sciences District of the Regione Toscana as a representative of the University of Pisa, and since 2015 he has been President of the Technical Scientific Committee of the “Vita” Foundation - ITS Technical College for New Life Technologies. From 2010 to 2022 he was also President of ASIS, Association of Studies on the Health Industry, a nonprofit association recognized by the Regione Toscana.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Macchia teaches Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry for the Master’s Degree Programme in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology.

His highly multidisciplinary research activities, carried out also in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies of international significance and numerous national and international research groups, have resulted in more than 190 publications on prestigious international journals and 6 international patents.

His research activities mainly concern the design and synthesis of innovative molecules for the diagnosis and therapy of various diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, the development and application of analytical methods in the pharmaceutical, toxicological, and toxicological-forensic fields, as well as research in the nutraceutical-food field. Recently, his research has also aimed at the development of both in silico and in vitro experimental protocols for the gene therapy validation.

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