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Professor of Mathematical Physics, Department of Mathematics
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Giovanni Federico Gronchi was born in Pisa in 1970. He obtained the high school diploma at the Liceo Classico “Galilei” in Pisa and the piano diploma with honors and honorable mention at the Conservatory in Florence in 1988. Later he started studying at the University of Pisa continuing his pianist activity, and was awarded the Master’s Degree cum laude in Mathematics in 1997. He obtained the PhD in Mathematics at the University of Pisa in 2002.
In 2005 he became assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, in 2014 associate professor and in 2016 full professor in the scientific area MAT/07 – Mathematical Physics.

Institutional assignments

Professor Gronchi has had several institutional assignments at the University of Pisa: notably, he has been member of the Mathematics PhD Board for several years; from 2012 to 2014 he was member of the Area 1 Scientific Committee, and from November 2014 to February 2019 he was Area Coordinator for Internationalization (CAI) for the Department of Mathematics.

Scientific and teaching activity

Since 2007 Professor Gronchi has taught several Mathematical Physics courses of the degree programme in Mathematics. Since 2015 he has also taught Rational Mechanics for the degree programme in Aerospace Engineering.

Professor Gronchi’s main research fields deal with the following topics: orbit determination, algebraic and variational methods in celestial mechanics, singularities and periodic orbits of the N-body problem, Hamiltonian theory of perturbations, solar system dynamics.

Since 2014 he has been president of the Italian Society of Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics (SIMCA) and vice-president of the IAU Inter-Division A-F Commission Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy since 2021. His name “Gronchi” has been given to asteroid (96217) for his scientific contributions to Celestial Mechanics and its application to Astronomy.

From November 2020 to June 2022, he was coordinator of the Group of Experts for Evaluation (GEV) of the Research in Mathematics and Computer Science (Area 1) for VQR 2015-2019.

From 2012 to 2017 he was responsible for the University of Pisa of the ITN Marie Curie `Stardust', (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN, GA 317185). Since 2019 he has been responsible for the University of Pisa of the ITN Marie Slodowska Curie `Stardust-Reloaded', (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018, GA 813644).

For further information about Professor Gronchi, including his publications, please see

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:50

Francesco Leccese - Vice Rector for Building area

Associate Professor of Building Physics at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering of the School of Engineering at the University of Pisa
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Francesco Leccese

Born in Orvieto (Terni) in 1970, married, two children, prof. Francesco Leccese graduated in Civil Engineering with a specialization in Building Construction in 1997 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pisa and in 2002 obtained his PhD in Energy at the Energy Department of the Faculty of Engineering.

During the four-year period 2002-2005 he held two-year post-doctoral research grants, co-financed by the Ministry of University and Research. In 2006 he took up service at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pisa as a full-time University Researcher in the scientific area “Building Physics”, an appointment then confirmed from 2009 and carried out until 2020. Since March 2020 he has been serving as an Associate Professor, in the same scientific area, at the School of Engineering of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments

Professor Leccese has performed several institutional duties at the University of Pisa. Since 2006 he has been responsible for the Lighting and Acoustics Laboratory at the School of Engineering. Since 2015 he has been a member of the PhD Programme Board in "Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering" at the University of Pisa. In the period 2016-2020 he was a member of the Scientific Commission of Area 09 "Industrial and Information Engineering". Since 2021 he has been President of the Aggregate Council of the Master's Degree Programmes in "Structural and Building Engineering" and in "Engineering of Civil Infrastructures and Environment". Since 2022 he has been a member of the Council of the School of Engineering.

Scientific and teaching activity

Professor Leccese since 2006 teaches “Building Physics" for the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Civil Environmental and Building Engineering at the University of Pisa. Since 2007, he also teaches “Lighting and Applied Acoustics" for the interclass Master's Degree Programme in Structural and Building Engineering and for the single-cycle Master’s Degree Programme in Building Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pisa.

He regularly carries out national and international research on all the issues related to Environmental Technical Physics, dealing in particular with: thermal performance of opaque and glazed systems of the building envelope, thermal, visual and acoustic comfort in indoor environments, energy performance of buildings and systems, human exposure to physical agents in the workplace, environmental pollution due to anthropic and natural factors.

With reference to the research topics addressed, he has gained extensive experience in the experimental measurement of the main physical-technical parameters in the built environment. He is the author of over 200 publications both as dissemination and scientific papers. Over half of his publications are indexed on the main citation databases. He is co-owner of a national patent relating to an innovative device for the illumination of radio-diagnostic reporting stations.

Professor of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
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Benedetta Mennucci

Benedetta Mennucci was born in Lucca in 1969 and graduated in Chemistry in 1994. After the degree, she was awarded a grant to spend a year in the USA at the University of Colorado and the University of Pittsburgh. In 1999 she obtained a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Pisa, where she has carried out her academic career, first as researcher, then as associate professor and finally as full professor in the scientific area CHIM/02 – Physical Chemistry. In the term 2010-2013 she was Adjunt Professor of the Center for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, a centre of excellence established by the Research Council of Norway in 2007.

Institutional assignments

Professor Mennucci has been assigned several national and international institutional roles.

From 2012 to 2015 she was coordinator of the PhD School in Chemical and Materials Sciences at the University of Pisa. From 2016 to 2019 she was president of the degree programme in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry at the University of Pisa. From 2014 to 2016 she was president of the division of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society. Since 2014 she has been member of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS) and since 2015 a member of the Board of World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC). Since 2018 she has been a member of the PE4 panel for the IDEAS projects assessment of the European Research Council (Consolidator Grant).

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Mennucci's main research activities concern the development of multiscale computational approaches combining a quantum chemical description with classical models and their application to the study of molecular processes in complex systems. The most recent applications have dealt with the study of light-harvesting processes in photosynthetic organisms and activation processes of photoreceptor proteins.

She coordinated national and international research projects. In 2011 she was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for a project entitled "The interplay between quantum coherence and environment in the photosynthetic electronic energy transfer and light- harvesting: a quantum chemical picture" (EnLight). In 2018 she obtained another ERC grant, this time an Advanced Grant, with a project titled "Light-Induced Function: from Excitation to Signal through Time and Space" (LLIFETimeS).

Her scientific activities have resulted in more than 350 publications on peer-reviewed international scientific journal, along with several chapters of books. She received more than 44,000 citations with H-index of 71 (up to 2022) Professor Mennucci is Senior Editor of the scientific journal  The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, as well as member of the Editorial Advisory Board of several international scientific journals.

Professor Mennucci has mainly taught Physical Chemistry courses for the degree programme in Chemistry, but she has also taught molecular modeling for other degree programmes and PhD schools in Italy and abroad.

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:50

Giovanni Paoletti - Vice Rector for Teaching

Professor of History of Philosophy at the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge
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Giovanni Paoletti was born in Pisa on 3 January 1970 and raised in Livorno. He is married, has two children and currently lives in Florence.
He has been a student of the undergraduate course at the Scuola Normale Superiore, and graduated in Philosophy at the University of Pisa in 1993.
After his obligations to perform the military service, in 2000 he obtained his PhD in Philosophy at the University of Pisa (receiving the Mirella Larizza award for the doctorate final thesis in the history of political thought, Luigi Firpo Foundation, Turin). In 2003 he obtained a further PhD in Sociology at the Institut d ‘Études Politiques in Paris (Sciences-Po).
He was awarded with a scholarship at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and later at the University of Lausanne (CH). After teaching Philosophy and History in high school for one year, in 2006 he became a university researcher in the History of Philosophy, in 2015 an associate professor and in 2019 a full professor at the Department of Civilization and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments

Professor Paoletti was a member of the Scientific Commission of Area 11 in the terms 2008-2012 and 2017-2020, as well as advisor and didactics manager for the philosophical area in the high school teachers training courses (TFA, PAS) in the terms 2012-14. He was also appointed member of the TFA 2012 Examination Commission, class 37A.
He is a member of the PhD Programme Board in Philosophical Sciences at the Universities of Florence and Pisa. From 2016 to 2022 he has been President of the aggregate Degree Programme’s Council in Philosophy.

Scientific and teaching activity

Since 2006, Professor Paoletti has carried out teaching activities in several courses of the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes in Philosophy (scientific area M-FIL).
His research activity has mainly focused on the field of the history of modern and contemporary philosophy, with particular reference to the theories of religion and history in the modern age, to political thought in the period of the French Revolution and to the relationship between philosophy and social sciences between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The study of the symbolic-imaginary ways of representing experience (of time, society, politics) is the main thread of his research.
Professor Paoletti is a member of the executive committee of the Œuvres complètes de Benjamin Constant (De Gruyter, Berlin), collaborator of the edition of the Œuvres complètes of Montesquieu (ENS Lyon, équipe de L'Esprit des lois), co-director with prof. Alfonso M. Iacono of the series “Bifronti” (ETS Pisa).

He is the author of five monographs, edited as much texts, and published about sixty articles.

Professoressa ordinaria di Diritto privato al Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
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Enza Pellecchia

Enza Pellecchia was born in Ferrara and grew up in Brindisi. She graduated with honours in Law at the University of Pisa in 1987 and was awarded the PhD degree in Private Law in 1993. She was student of Professor Lina Bigliazzi Geri. Professor Pellecchia was researcher and then associate professor of private law at the Department of Law at the University of Pisa, where she is a full professor and a member of the PhD Council in Legal Sciences. She worked as a lawyer in Milan. She attends and collaborates with Labodif, a research and training institute for the enhancement of differences founded by Giovanna Galletti and Gianna Mazzini.

Institutional assignments

From 2005 to 2010 Professor Pellecchia directed the Centre for Human Rights in Pisa; from 2010 to 2016 she was Vice-Director and then (from 2016 to 2022) Director of the CISP –Interdisciplinary Centre “Science for Peace”  at the University of Pisa// From 2018 to 2020 she was the University representative of the board “Education to sustainability” within the framework of the Italian University Network for Sustainable Development (RUS). Since 2019 she has been the University representative of Network of Italian Universities for Peace (RUniPace) promoted by the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI), and national coordinator since 2020. Since 2022 she has been Director of the Master’s Degree Programme in Law, where she coordinates special projects for teaching. 

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Enza Pellecchia has carried out an intensive teaching activity, initially at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Pisa (from a.y. 1999-2000 to 2007-2008, Institutions of Private Law course), afterwards in the degree programme in Science for Peace (from a. y. 2001-2002 to 2010-2011, teaching Elements of Private Law and Third Sector Law) and finally at the Department of Law, where she taught Private Law II, Private Law of Economics, Common Goods Law and, since the academic year 2018-2019, she has been teaching Private Law I.

Her research activities include several different topics that always focus on the person and range from personal rights (especially, the right to health and personal data protection), property (private property, collective property, commons), social and economic vulnerability (access to credit, banking and financial exclusion, over-indebtedness), and general law of obligations.

She is the author of two monographs and about one hundred contributions in scientific journals of class A and in miscellanies.

Since 2016 she has been a member of the Publishing Board of the Sciences for Peace Series of Pisa University Press (

Since 2021 she has been Scientific Secretary of the International Security and Arms Control Group (SICA) of the Accademia dei Lincei (

Since 2022 she has been a member of the Scientific Council of USPID-Union of Scientists for Disarmament (

Third mission activities

Among her many third mission activities, the most noteworthy is the organization and coordination of major events over several days and multiple locations, involving many departments as well as associations and organizations in the area: Pisa città per la pace e per i diritti umani (April 15-30, 2005, with publication in  2006, in the series Scienze per la pace of Pisa University Press, of the volume Diritti, tolleranza, memoria); Cibo e conflitti (November 7-16, 2008, with publication in 2010, in the same series, of the volume of the same name); Pisa non dimentica Hiroshima e Nagasaki (November 12-24, 2015, with publication in 2017, again in the same series, of the volume Per un mondo libero da armi nucleari).

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:50

Aldo Petrucci - Vice Rector for Staff Policies

Professor of Roman Law and Principles of European Law, Department of Law
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Aldo Petrucci

Aldo Petrucci was born in Rome on 14 July 1957, studied and graduated in Law at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1981. He became university researcher at the Department of History and Theory of Law at Tor Vergata University of Rome in 1988. He obtained the PhD in Roman Law in 1990. In 1998 he became associate professor and in 2000 full professor in the Scientific Area IUS/18 – Roman Law and Antiquity Law Systems at the Faculty of Law, hence at the Department of Law, University of Pisa.

Institutional assignments

Professor Petrucci has had several institutional roles at the University of Pisa: from 2008 to 2016 he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Specialization School for Legal Professions; from 2012 to 2020, director's delegate for teaching and student relations at the Department of Law; from 2016 to 2022 director of the Master’s Degree Course in Law; from 2018 to 2022 president of the legal area scientific committee (area 12); from 2018 to 2022, scientific coordinator of Law – Political Sciences committee (Polo bibliotecario 2); from 2020 to 2022 Deputy Head of the Department of Law.

Scientific and teaching activity

Professor Petrucci has regularly taught Institutions of Roman Law, History of Roman Law, Roman Law and Foundations of European Law in Master’s Degree Course in Law and other legal degree courses, in the Specialization School of Legal Professions and at the Livorno Naval Academy.

Since 1998 he has taught and been a visiting professor at several European, Chinese and Latin American universities.

His main fields of research deal with the various areas of Roman public law, especially constitutional evolution, organization of territory and international relations; the various branches of Roman private law, in particular the area of contract law and commercial relations; and the reconstruction of the historical roots of the private law systems of some European countries, notably with reference to the law of contract and inheritance.

Professor Petrucci serves on the scientific committees of several Italian and foreign journals. He was in charge of research projects funded by the Ministry of the University (PRIN), the University of Pisa (PRA) and foreign public and private bodies, and is responsible of an agreement with the Institute of Computational Linguistics (ILC) of the CNR. He was a reviewer and evaluator for MIUR and ANVUR.

His scientific activities have resulted in more than 160 publications, including about fifteen monographs and handbooks, several papers and volume contributions in Italian, English, Spanish and French.

Professor of Electrical and Electronic Measurements at the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering
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Born in Pisa in 1969, married with two children, Prof. Bernardo Tellini graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1993 at the University of Pisa. At the beginning of his career, he spent one year at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Technik und Umwelt and a year later at ABB, then he joined the Ph.D. Program in Electrical Engineering at the University of Pisa and received the Ph.D. degree in 1999. In 2000 he joined the University of Pisa as a researcher and, since 2002, as an associate professor of Electrical Engineering. In 2006 he moved to the Electrical and Electronic Measurement group, and since 2015 he has been a full professor.

Institutional assignments

During the period 2008-2016 he was a member of the Ph.D. School of Engineering "Leonardo da Vinci" and during the term 2012-2016 president of the Ph.D. Program in Electrical and Thermal Energy Engineering at the University of Pisa. From 2012 to 2016 and since 2020, he has been a member of the Human Resources Committee at the DESTEC department. Since 2013 he has been a member of the Steering Committee of the District for Railway Technology, High Speed, and Network Safety and Security in Tuscany. From 2014 to 2017, he was a member of the board of directors, and from 2019, he was a member (vice-president) of the certification committee of Italcertifer SpA. During the term 2016-2020, he was a member (vice president) of the scientific committee of Area 09 "Industrial and Information Engineering." From 2016 to 2018, he was a committee member for the National Scientific Qualification in the Scientific Area 09/E4 - Measurements. Since 2006 he has been the scientific responsible of the research unit of Pisa, a member of the Board of Directors, and, since September 2022, elected member of the coordination committee of the Association of Electrical and Electronic Measurements - GMEE.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Tellini teaching activity focuses on the fundamentals of measurement and methods for the characterization of electrical and magnetic properties of materials.

His research activity mainly concerns the development of measurement methodologies for the characterization of electrical and magnetic quantities in high pulse power applications, the analysis of electrical and magnetic properties of materials, the characterisation of ageing processes of electric battery cells and the study of electromagnetic emissions associated with closing and opening transients in electrical power circuits. In 2010, he was appointed president of the European Pulsed Power Laboratories, a multilateral agreement joined by seven European research institutions. In 2015 he was the general chair of the I2MTC conference of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society. He was then general co-chair of IEEE RTSI 2019, IEEE MELECON 2020, IEEE MetroAerospace 2020 and 2022. From 2019 to 2021, he was president of the Italy Section of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE. He is the author of about two hundred publications on international journals and conference proceedings.


Professor of Condensed Matter Physics, Department of Physics
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Alessandro Tredicucci

Alessandro Tredicucci was born in Chiavari (Genoa) in 1968 and graduated in Physics at the University of Pisa in 1992 as a student of the Scuola Normale Superiore, where he was awarded the PhD degree in Physics in 1997.

After spending three years at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill (NJ), in 2000 he became a researcher at the Scuola Normale Superiore. In 2003 he moved to the INFM (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) as Senior Scientist and to CNR, the Italian National Research Council) in 2009 as Research Director. Since 2014 he has been full professor in the scientific area FIS/03.

Institutional assignments

At the University of Pisa, Professor Tredicucci has been Director of the Interdepartmental Centre for Materials Science and Engineering since 2019, and was Chair of the Physics Area Committee from 2016 to 2020.

Since 2019 he has also been a member of the Executive Council of the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS) in Florence and from 2006 to 2014 he was a member of the Scientific Council of the Materials and Devices Department of the Italian CNR.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Tredicucci teaches Structure of Matter in the Bachelor’s degree programme in Physics, as well as Fundamentals of Light Matter Interaction and Physics of Photonic Devices in the Master’s degree programme in Physics.

His research activities have mainly concerned the study of nanostructured materials and devices being able to detect, manipulate or produce electromagnetic radiation, and the fundamental mechanisms governing its interaction. His scientific career has developed especially in the field of quantum cascade lasers, culminating in 2002 with the realization of the first THz laser (the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared and microwaves). This pioneering discovery earned him numerous awards, including the Nick Holonyak Jr. prize from the Optical Society of America (of which he has been a Fellow since 2014) and the Giuseppe Occhialini prize from the Institute of Physics and the Italian Physical Society. His current studies involve the development of plasmonic devices in graphene and two-dimensional materials, the understanding of new regimes of radiation-matter interaction at the nanoscale and when coupled to mechanical systems, as well as the application of THz diagnostic techniques in industrial processes, agriculture, etc.

He was in charge of several national and international research projects, including the Advanced Grant SouLMan of the ERC; he has served as Chair of the most important international conferences in his field; he has been active in refereeing and monitoring research, and has been Associate Editor of Applied Physics Letters since 2015.

At the end of 2022, his scientific activities have resulted in more than 280 publications ISI-WOS with about 19000 citations (h-index 62 - source Google Scholar), 16 patents, and more than 100 invited presentations at international conferences.

Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:02

Deputy Rector - Giuseppe Iannaccone

Professor of Electronics at the Department of Information Engineering
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Giuseppe Iannaccone

Giuseppe Iannaccone is professor of Electronics at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa where he graduated in Electrical Engineering with honors in 1992 and obtained the PhD in Information Engineering in 1996.

Institutional roles

He is Chairman of the Board of the Inter-University Italian consortium on nanoelectronics IU.NET which includes 13 Italian Universities with the purpose of coordinating research activities in the field of nanoelectronics.

Scientific and teaching activities

His teaching activity includes electronics, power and control electronics, neuromorphic circuits and devices in the study programmes of the Department of Information Engineering.

His main research activities relate to nanoelectronics in a border area between engineering and physics with the aim of challenging fundamental scientific and applicative problems to create computing and communication tools increasingly powerful but less energy consuming. In recent years he has expanded the range of his research activities including design of ultra-low-power analogic circuits, application of electronics to the internet of objects, artificial intelligence, cyber security and biomedical devices.

He was coordinator of 6 European and 3 National Projects involving multiple partners and Principal investigator in other 18 research projects. He is fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic engineers, and fellow of the American Physical Society, the two largest associations of science and technology professionals. He is the auditor of several international research funding agencies.
He published more than 250 papers on international journals reaching more than 9500 citations on Scopus database with an h-index of 43 (h-index 52 according to Google Scholar database).

Professor Iannaccone is a strong supporter of science dissemination and of the leading role of university for social and cultural development. In 2012 and 2013 he coordinated the events of the Researchers’ Night in Tuscany starting the tradition in Pisa. In 2012 he organized TedxPisa. Since 2012 all his university lessons have been made available on YouTube. Many academic and industrial research groups use the open source CAD software for electric nanotechonologies NanoTCAD Vides developed within the nano electronics research team.
He is involved in many technology transfer activities crucial for the impact of scientific research on economic growth. He founded Quantavis srl, a Spin-off company of the University of Pisa. He chaired the Commission of experts for the promotion of patents of the University of Pisa and developed several projects of bilateral collaboration with multinational companies. 


Mercoledì, 16 Novembre 2022 12:01

Rector - Riccardo Zucchi

Professor of Biochemistry at the Department of Pathology
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Riccardo Zucchi

Riccardo Zucchi was born in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana (Lucca) on 31 December 1957. He is married with four children. He studied at the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa in 1982. Afterwards, in 1985 he was awarded a PhD at the Scuola Sant’Anna and the postgraduate degree (specialization) in Cardiology. In 1984 he was an International Research Fellow at the Rayne Institute of St. Thomas Hospital in London.

He became research fellow at the Scuola Sant’Anna in 1989, then associate professor in 2000 and full professor in Biochemistry in the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, and later in the Department of Pathology of the University of Pisa.

Institutional roles

Professor Zucchi had several institutional roles at the University of Pisa: since 2004 he was a member of the scientific committee of the biological area; from 2005 to 2006 he was Deputy Head of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery; from 2006 to 2014 he was Director of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery.
He was a member of the Academic Senate from 2012 and 2015, Head of the Department of Pathology from 2015 and 2019, and President of the School of Medicine from 2019 to 2022.

Scientific and teaching activities

Professor Zucchi has regularly taught Biochemistry in the degree programme in Medicine and Surgery, also teaching Chemistry and Biochemistry in other degree programmes of the medical area, in the degree programme in Biomedical Engineering, as well as in several postgraduate schools of the medical area.

The main research fields developed by Professor Zucchi deal with the following topics: energy and purine metabolism in the myocardium; cardiac purinergic receptors and the physiological and pathophysiological role of adenosine; calcium homeostasis and properties of the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium channel; biochemical characteristics and expression of trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs); identification of 3-iodothyronamine as a new chemical messenger; and development and characterization of thyroid hormone analogs.

Professor Zucchi is a member of several scientific societies. He was in charge of research projects funded by the Ministry of University, the University of Pisa and private bodies. He worked as a reviewer for numerous scientific journals and for the following national and international bodies: MIUR, NSF (National Science Foundation - USA), DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinshaft – Germany).
His scientific activities have resulted in more than 180 publications on peer-reviewed international scientific journals, along with several book chapters and two patents. The number of citations received is more than 5,000 with H-index of 35 (up to 2022).


Segreteria del Rettore
Palazzo Alla Giornata, Lungarno Pacinotti 43 - 56100 Pisa
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